Clear Your Mind To Improve Your Confidence – Ep. 18

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 18

In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over how “Clearing Your Mind” will help you boost your confidence. Download the “Confidence 52 Checklist” from


Over the years, Mostafa learned that growing a business has its own ups and downs, requires confidence on a daily basis, and is here to share those experiences with you. Through coaching calls, interviews, and monologues, Mostafa will share the wisdom he has gained through the years on starting, running and maintaining his businesses. 


If you are an entrepreneur, you want to be an entrepreneur, or if you are somebody that has launched a business and struggling with your confidence and trying to figure out what your next steps are in growing and scaling your business confidently, this show is going to be for you.

Listen to the podcast here:


  • How can clearing your mind increase confidence?

  • What does the computer and the brain have in common?

  • Can taking down notes help boost your confidence?


1:20 – When we have too much going on in our mind the performance of the brain comes down and affects the result.

2:24 – The simple solution to clear your mind and get everything out there is through what I call a brain dump. 

3:45 – If I want it to be more effective, I write it down on a piece of paper and let the energy actually transfer out of my body.

5:22 – Apply the 80/20 principle to your to-do list to see what is actually important. 


Mostafa Hosseini  0:02  

Hello. Good afternoon, Good evening, Good morning, wherever you are in the world.

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini. Today we’re doing Episode 18 of the show. At Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs, our purpose is to share tips and actionable advice that will help you run and boost your confidence on a daily basis when it comes to running your business. 

If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and download the Confidence 52! Checklist, which is a list of 52 things that you could do to boost your confidence instantly. Almost immediately after you practice and do the stuff.

So today I’m running the show about clearing your mind, which is one of the items on the list of the Confidence 52! Checklist. So as entrepreneurs we are busy, we have a lot on the go. There is usually too much going on in our life, in our business, in our mind. What happens is as we have too many things going on in our mind, it clutters our mind and it becomes a mess in there. 

It becomes hard to think and focus. When we have too much going on in our mind the performance of the brain comes down. Our performance comes down and we don’t see results. It kind of hurts our results. 

clear your mind to improve your confidence
When you have too many things on your mind, it becomes hard to think and focus.

Our brain kind of works like a computer. Much like when you have too much going on in your computer. When too many programs are open, the computer slows down. 

The brain works the same way, like the computer slows down. It heats up and performance goes down. Then you cannot do as much as you want with your computer. Our brain works the exact same way. 

The solution is much like when you close all the extra programs and software in your computer. When the computer speeds up, it opens up room so that the computer can kind of perform the same stuff. You have to close the extra programs and extra thoughts that are running in your mind and get it out there. 

So the simple solution to clear your mind and get everything out there is through what I call a brain dump. That is to write everything that is running in your mind and going around. 

Put it down either on a piece of paper, or on your computer, or on your phone. You can look at it, take it all out, put it on a piece of paper, now it’s crystallized. You can analyze, prioritize and do the important stuff.

Our brain kind of works like a computer. When too many programs are open, the computer slows down. You have to close the extra programs and extra thoughts that are running in your mind and get it out there.

Now the way to do this is you basically grab a pen and paper and you start writing everything that is in your mind without judgments and without filtering. Without worrying about who’s going to see it and who’s not.  

You don’t have to share this information with anybody. Shred it or either put it down on your computer, or on your phone, so no one else has access to it. I personally do this about three or four times a week minimum, because I have a lot going on. 

When I have too much going on, my brain kind of stops working and it doesn’t work or perform as much as I want it to. So I usually do it on my phone, right. But if I want it to be more effective, I write it down on a piece of paper. 

The thing about writing down on a piece of paper with a pen is the energy actually transfers out of your body through your hands and through the pen onto the paper. So if you’re getting rid of some negative energy and there’s too much going on, it actually transfers out and it feels better. 

However, you could also do this very quickly on an app like Evernote or on iPhone. I got this Notes app that I knew or on Evernote. Basically, I open a new note and I either start typing. Or I use the voice command, the voice to text feature on iPhone. I just talk and talk until I’m done. 

clear your mind to improve your confidence
Write down everything in your mind, either as a note or on a piece of paper. It can instantly boost your confidence.

I get rid of everything that is in my mind. I put it down as a note or I write it down on a piece of paper. Once I’m done, it instantly boosts my confidence. Opens up a room in my brain for better performance. So that I can actually perform well. 

What happens next is once I’m done getting everything out on a piece of paper. I go through and take a look at the list and try them. Make a to-do list and analyze what is actually worth looking at. There’s usually things that I’m worried about that I shouldn’t have really worried about. 

I have no control over it. So I’m like, you know what, I gotta let go of this thought because it is not helping me. It’s actually hurting me and I really cannot do anything about it. 

Now, the other thing you have to pay attention to is you must apply the 80/20 principle to your to-do list and see what is actually important. What do I need to or must worry about and what should I not worry about? 

Once you figure out and identify what is actually a top priority, then you make a to do list to address that issue. That way, what happens is, you download everything on your mind onto a piece of paper or onto your phone. 

Do a brain dump. Write everything that is running in your mind. Put it down either on a piece of paper, or on your computer, or on your phone.

You write it down. You make a to-do list out of what needs to be done. Identify the top priority and deal with that. Everything else becomes irrelevant, and you can just not pay attention to it. 

I want to talk about the 80/20 principle on how to apply to your to-do list in a later episode. It’s very important that it is actually life changing. So usually when there’s too much going on in our head, there’s confusion and frustration. The slow down and lack of results will end in a I’m not feeling good and you wouldn’t feel good.

So when you do this exercise, it’s an instant boost for your confidence. You clear your mind so you can actually operate. Give that a try. See how it works. Let me know how it goes. Leave a comment here. 

Come back and send us a message or leave a comment on the show notes on Apple or on our Facebook page or wherever you’re watching or listening and give us a try. 

Hope this helps. Hope you have a great day and we’ll see you on our next episode. My name is Mostafa Hosseini. The Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs runs on a weekly basis. So watch out for this and then we’ll see you later. Have a good one. Bye now.


Does overthinking affect confidence?

Our brain kind of works like a computer. When too many programs are open, the computer slows down. You have to close the extra programs and extra thoughts that are running in your mind and get it out of your mind, let your mind calm down so you can be more confident.

How do I use Brain dumping to Manage Anxiety and Over Thinking?

Write down everything that is running in your mind. Put it down either on a piece of paper, your computer, or on your phone.
Get EVERYTHING out of your head without any judgements or filtering. When you have too many thoughts running in your mind, it will slow your mind down and affect your confidence!

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