Follow-up Strategies for Business Success – ep 90

👉 In this episode, you will discover …

  • One thing you can do that will make you stand out when trying to connect with people
  • What to look for in finding not just clients but referral partners
  • How to stay in touch with prospects without sounding like it’s a nonstop sales pitch
  • Watch Mostafa get exposed and coached by Ely!

Join Ely Delaney and me in a conversation about how “The Fortune IS In the Follow Up!”

📢 Ely Delaney is your Automated Systems Strategist and is also known as “The People Whisperer”.

He’s an Amazon bestseller with his two books “Marketing Tidbits” and “Networking Tidbits”

With a passion for connecting people, his best-selling training course “Networking Like A Rockstar” has over 1373 students registered globally. Ely helps speakers, authors, and coaches automate their follow-up to grow their business without having to have an MBA from MIT.

He’s the guy to help you build a 24/7 automated system and turn you into a Follow-Up Rockstar!


0:02 Follow-up strategies for entrepreneurs.

  • Insights into effective follow-up strategies that can boost client engagement.

1:47 Automating systems for business growth.

  • Strategies for automating follow-up processes to enhance business efficiency.

3:31 Importance of personal connections in automation.

  • Discusses how to maintain personal connections while using automation tools.

9:06 Recommended book: “The Go Giver.”

  • A motivational book that emphasizes the importance of giving in business.

12:35 Be yourself and share valuable content.

  • The importance of authenticity in content sharing for engagement.

18:42 Tips for evergreen email templates.

  • Guidance on creating lasting email templates that remain relevant.

21:12 Lead magnets to connect with potential clients.

  • How to create effective lead magnets that attract and engage clients.

27:35 Direct calls to action for sales conversations.

  • Best practices for crafting clear and effective calls to action.

31:00 Testing sales approaches for effectiveness.

  • Understanding which sales strategies resonate best with clients.

37:03 Lighthearted follow-up emails to reconnect.

  • Strategies for maintaining connections through friendly follow-up emails.

39:46 Successful email campaigns generate revenue.

  • Discussing the impact of well-executed email campaigns on revenue.

44:33 Effective cold outreach strategies.

  • Strategies for effective cold outreach on platforms like LinkedIn.

47:26 Creating an ultimate follow-up campaign.

  • Guidelines for developing a comprehensive follow-up campaign.

52:41 Importance of planning before using software.

  • Key planning steps before implementing marketing automation software.

55:21 Free follow-up blueprint for networking.

  • A free resource to enhance networking and follow-up efforts.

1:00:56 Automating tasks to free up time.

  • The value of automation in improving productivity.

1:06:40 Personalizing follow-up messages to stand out.

  • Strategies for making follow-up messages more engaging.


We are pleased to provide these show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who prefer to read.

Please note that this is an automated transcription and may contain errors.

Mostafa Hosseini  00:02

Hello and welcome. In this episode we’re going over the one thing you could do that will make you stand out when trying to connect with people. What to look for when finding in finding not just clients, but referral partners, how to stay in touch with prospects without sounding like it’s a nonstop sales pitch.


You will get to watch me get exposed and coached by my friend Eli and you will get instant access to Eli’s gift. The follow up blueprint. And today’s guest is Eli Delaney. Welcome Eli.


Ely Delaney  00:38

It’s my pleasure to be here, my friend. How are you doing today?


Mostafa Hosseini  00:41

I am good. And our topic today is the as the fortune is in the follow up? Yes. Okay. Now, welcome to the conference for entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini. I am here with another gaisce guest and another amazing topic. As usual, if you’re watching or listening, please like and subscribe on whichever channel you’re watching.


 And if you have any questions, please put them in the comments on social media. And we’ll get back to you. And if you know other people who would benefit from this conversation, which is growing their business through follow ups, please have them tagged in a comment so they could benefit from this and or share the link with them. Now I’m also sharing this step by step checklist for our program simple retention formula, which is a lot of what we’re talking about today.


And if you want access to this step, step by step blueprint and the process, type the word retention in a comment below and we’ll send you the link to download it now. Welcome Eli. How’s your day so far?


Ely Delaney  01:47

Is doing awesome, busy, crazy, all kinds of fun stuff.


Mostafa Hosseini  01:50

And we’re about are you Portland,


Ely Delaney  01:52

Oregon. Love it.


Mostafa Hosseini  01:54

Alright, so let me do the proper introduction to my friend Eli and we’re going to dive into a very interesting conversation that is very dear and near to my heart. And we we’re almost in the similar business and you guys we’ll find out soon here why. Now, Eli Delaney is your automated systems strategist and is known as the people whisperer. You know the dog whisperer. This guy is like the the people version. Right.


He’s an Amazon Best Seller with his two books, marketing tidbits, and networking tidbits. With a passion for connecting people his best selling training course, networking, like a rockstar has over 1373 students registered globally. Eli helps speakers, authors and coaches automate their follow up to grow their business without having to have an MBA from MIT. He is the guy to help you build a 24/7 automated system and turn you into a follow up Rockstar. As all we all know, money is in the follow up. So hang in there.


And whatever you’re doing, put it aside. And you know, stay tuned for the next hour, as Eli is going to share with you some very interesting information, and some tidbits where you can apply today and see results as soon as maybe today or tomorrow. Or sorta right. Yeah. All right, Eli, how’s it going? So far, my friend.


Ely Delaney  03:23

It’s going awesome. Like I said, I’m busy having fun stuff going on. I’ve done a couple of these things already today, which is awesome. I love getting to share this stuff. And it got a special treat for me. My daughter happens to be in town so I’m getting to spend some time with her before she drives back on Friday. Love


Mostafa Hosseini  03:40

  1. Love it. Love it. So let’s get started. Eli, what is your story?


Ely Delaney  03:47

Oh, there’s all kinds of bits and pieces, but we’ll keep it to the concise version of it. Previous previous life I was in the Rock and Roll business. I was actually a roadie did that for quite a while had a lot of fun met some really amazing musicians. All kinds of artists in different different areas.


But obviously when you know the the Rock and Roll world, you understand that, that people sometimes have recreational habits and my boss had those recreational habits that affected my paycheck. It was time for me to get out of that. So got out of that worlds got into working for a small computer shop in Phoenix, Arizona, learn the ins and outs of computers of Internet services back in the day when 56k was the big thing. I know a lot of people probably listen to this don’t even know what that is.


Way before high speed was a normal thing. And that’s how I actually started my first company which was a rebel graphic design agency. And we took that from just me by myself working out of my dining room to opening up an office I had five employees and we’re closing three to five contracts a week. And it was purely through networking. It was connecting with other people. I didn’t pay for any kind of advertising because at the time I didn’t even really know what I was doing in that aspect.


It was just a we’ve got you know, I need to get clients I need to meet people and Long Behold, fast forward, you know, 27 years later, meeting cool people right above my head here. This is what I do I have a lot of fun with it. And so it kind of it was the start to something that ended up being much bigger.


Mostafa Hosseini  05:12

Love it. And then so I noticed you still have a Phoenix phone number? Yes,


Ely Delaney  05:19

yeah, there’s no reason to change it. That’s been my cell phone forever. So we just keep it that way. Love


Mostafa Hosseini  05:24

  1. So what do you do these days? And who do you serve?


Ely Delaney  05:27

So we’ve evolved the system, we I actually haven’t built a website for anybody for over a decade now. And matter of fact, we’re probably going on the 14 years, I think something like that. What ended up happening was I started teaching a lot of this stuff, and teaching how to maintain websites, and I fell in love with it. Next thing I know, I had became a speaker started, you know, speaking on stage, teaching marketing stuff, and I realized that I might speak on stage, and there might be 100 people in the audience, and maybe I get 10 people to say, okay, Eli, this is awesome.


I’m ready. Here’s my credit card. Let’s do this. And my brain immediately went to the other 90%. What happened to them? Why didn’t they buy? What did I do wrong? How can I build get back with them later. And so I started building these follow up processes that eventually got popular amongst other people, they were coming to me asking me to help them with that.


And eventually, that turned into what we do now, which we’ve actually packaged it up into a program, I call the follow up Rockstar system. And basically, it’s a matter of helping our clients turn their everyday conversations into long term conversations, Evergreen processes, that will work day in and day out, because you’re human, you’re gonna get busy.


Once you get it, you know, you get five people, that’s easy, 50 people that’s a little bit harder, but he can kind of do it, you get 500 people to follow up with, you’re gonna drop the ball just because you’re human. So let’s use the tools and technology we have to put systems in place that will take care of a lot of the heavy lifting, and get us the time back that we need to have real conversations and real dialogues with people.


Mostafa Hosseini  07:07

Like Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. So there’s always this objection that I hear. And I probably haven’t myself, and that is that the automation and technology makes it kind of an inhuman type of approach. And it’s, it’s not personal. Yeah. So then, in your experience, how can we make automation, human and personal? Okay,


Ely Delaney  07:36

great question, because I will seriously tell you, I get asked that all the time. And that is the number one objection I get from people is, I don’t want to do it, because then it takes me out of it. And it just doesn’t feel right if people don’t want to talk to a robot. And we get that. And of course, the biggest problem with that is a lot of people are using automation, whether it be an email system, or a bot or automated texting, all the different things that are out there.


And it’s not because the software or the technology doesn’t work. It’s that because it’s not being used properly. And that’s really the big thing with it. You need to have your messaging congruent with you as a human being, what would you say? How would you say it? How would you react? And that is what makes the difference. So as a great example, I love email, okay, email is still my favorite form of marketing communication, because I have control of it, I can make it as long or as short as I want to. And the right people will pay attention to it.


 That’s the great thing. Some people say email marketing is dead. That’s because their emails suck. That’s really what it boils down to. So get away from the newsletter mindset, and the constant blasting and constant pitching mindset, which is what so many business owners do, and come back to a if I was going to send you an email, what would that look like?


And generally speaking, it’s going to be you know, hey, Mostafa, I had something kind of cool to come up the other day I wanted to share with you. Now one of the examples I use, I use this all the time, people that know if you’ve ever seen me talk before I always share this book. This is the Go Giver by Bob Berg. Amazing, amazing book, you’re shaking your head, so I’m sure you’ve read it right. Yeah, we’ve


Mostafa Hosseini  09:27

had bob on the show actually.


Ely Delaney  09:28

Awesome. Bob is an amazing dude. I love him to death. He’s one of my favorite people in this world. And, and he’s like me, he’s a good he’s a good dog person too. So in case you didn’t know that part about him. So I share this book and I’ll tell you, I’ll say if you haven’t read this book, and I’ll tell people anybody watching this right now, if you haven’t read the book, go pick up a copy of it. Number one is it is about coming from a place of giving and building the relationship.


That’s why it’s called the Go Giver. Because you know that if you do it right and just give karma will come Back, it will come back to you, you don’t know how it will, it may not be from the same person, but it will come back. And I will share this with people about how great it is. And then I say, I would love for you to go pick up a copy of this book, go read it, it’s very easy. You can read it in two or three hours, and then connect with me reach out to me, let me know what you thought I would love to hear that. Now, what I just did there was I gave you a tip, I gave you a resource. I gave you a recommendation. It’s not mine. It’s not my book.


It’s somebody else’s whenever you and I just started the conversation about Bob, right? So now we have commonality, we’re having a conversation. And I’m encouraging everybody who reads this book, to message me reach out, I don’t care how you connect with me, you can connect with me on any social media site and very easy to find. And tell me what what impact did this book make on you?


Because I want to have that I want to hear that. Now we just started the conversation. There’s no pitch, there’s no sales going on. We just started a conversation. And you can do this with everything. And the cool thing about this is, I can take what I just said what I just shared with you. And I could write that up as an email and say, Hey, here’s this great book. Here’s why I like it so much. Here’s even a link to Amazon. Check it out. And I would love it for you to check it out.


It’s only about a three hour read, reply back, let me know what you thought once you read it. Now we open up dialogue, and dialogues and conversations are where actual sales happen. That’s where it builds the relationship. And that’s where know like and trust comes into play. I


Mostafa Hosseini  11:34

love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. I probably read that book a good nine times. And it’s such a nice and sweet story that I could read it in a day. Dad, I probably read it once or twice a year. Just remind myself. Yep, it’s an amazing book. Yeah, it is an amazing


Ely Delaney  11:53

and things like that, if you have a and I’m sure you have other books like that, that you would recommend that you that you love. And that make a difference in the impact for you by taking that. So whether that’s a email, whether it’s a text message, maybe it’s a Facebook message, it doesn’t matter what the medium is, but taking that and just saying, Hey, here’s something that’s helped me out, I thought it might help you out to check it out.


Let me know what you think. Now, I have I have talked about this book, for at least a decade. I always I always make the joke that I should probably, you know reach out to Bob and see about getting some commissions at some point because I probably responsible for selling 1000s of this book. But and I do that as I do that as a joke, but it doesn’t matter. If you and I are talking about the book today, or the people who saw got an email from me 10 years ago talking about the book, it still made a difference made a difference to them back then it made a difference to you today.


If somebody else here gets one of my emails, or he hears me talk about on a different show me down the road, it doesn’t matter when they hear the message, the message is still the same. And it’s still relevant, which makes it Evergreen. And that’s where automation comes into play. Because then you can use tools like your CRM, your email, email, autoresponders.


You can schedule posts on social media, all the different things that are out there using automation, but you share the message just like you would in a one on one situation. But then you schedule it for down the road. That’s automation. But it’s still you talking.


Mostafa Hosseini  13:35

Love it. So what to just do summary, in one sentence, how do we make automation human again?


Ely Delaney  13:44

Be yourself. Shared good stuff.


Mostafa Hosseini  13:48

Sure. Good stuff.


Ely Delaney  13:49

Yeah, that’s share good stuff. That’s all it is. And not necessarily your stuff, by the way. That is I’ll give one caveat. Because somebody will mess it up. Yeah. And they’ll and they’ll start pitching their book, don’t pitch your book. Even if it’s relevant.


Don’t pitch your book, because it’s still your book. Even if you’re selling it for 99 cents on Amazon, it’s still a pitch for your book that takes that different element out of it. Now there’s a time and a place for that. I’m not saying you don’t sell your own stuff you do. But just sharing tips, tricks, resources, things like that, that are valuable, that really you don’t get anything other than good karma for doing.


That’s where the magic really is. And then when you do have something to sell, people are more likely to pay attention because they’ve already gotten value from you first.


Mostafa Hosseini  14:38

Fair enough. Fair enough. So what is the so I am thinking of I’ve been working on this before I asked. My next question is I’ve been working on putting a newsletter together for what I’m working on this week. Here’s what I’m thinking about. Here’s a YouTube video I found Here’s a podcast, I found interesting. Here’s a resource or a software tool that I found interesting, right?


Instead of pitch, pitch pitch, it’s like, here’s me and how I’m evolving. And like you said, you might find this interesting as well. Yeah, right. You know, I find the that if I have a problem, chances are a whole bunch of other people have the same problem. We can talk about our challenges and problems. And that will probably get better readability.


And engagement in terms of a newsletter, or you know, an email that you send us your email, or like you said, posting on social media, but like, here’s a new YouTube video, I found really useful this week. Right, right. Or here’s 12 of them.


Ely Delaney  15:39

Yeah, well, and here’s, here’s the thing, let me let me kind of bounce something off of you for this. This is an idea for you is I’m not I’m not a big fan of newsletters, because nobody really wants a newsletter. They don’t read it. They they’re literally they were bombarded by stuff all the time. But if you were to take those, say you had five things you wanted to share, break them out, and do one email says, Hey, here’s a book that I thought that you might find interesting.


Here’s why I like it. Here’s a link to it. Let me know what you thought. That’s an email. And a few days later, come back with another way. Here’s a great video that I saw on YouTube about XYZ. I thought it might be interesting to you. Check it out. Let me know your thoughts.


Mostafa Hosseini  16:24

Absolutely. And it was really simple like two sentences. Hey, John, today. That’s that video. I thought you might find it interesting. Click here to find out more about it. Have a great day, Mustafa? Yeah. Because his newsletter tepid Yeah,


Ely Delaney  16:39

cuz here’s the thing. Nobody wants to read 15 pages of stuff. Yeah. Only if they’re very if it’s very topical at that moment, will they actually spend that much time? So yeah, break it down and exit. If you were going to send me an email, if you found something powerful, you would literally send me an email that says, hey, Eli, I found this that I thought was interesting.


 I thought it might be useful to you check it out. Here’s the link. That’s if you were to send me that email. That’s what it would essentially look like, right? Absolutely. There would be no fancy graphics, or long, big just descriptions or anything like that. It’s just, you know, come home and Gmail and say, Hey, this is something I found that I thought you might find useful. Here’s why I like it. Check it out. Let me know what you think, boom. Now, here’s the thing with it.


This is a psychological thing is that? Yes, we know we’re on people’s list. There’s no hiding of that. People are not stupid, they know that they’re on a list. But you don’t have to shove it in their face by being boring. You can send one little tip that looks and feels like you stopped, opened up your Gmail and sent that email to me personally.


And still use the same system, you’re still using the same software, the same technology behind the scenes. But it looks acts and feels like you sent me that message. And when you do that, we’re not hiding anything. We’re not trying to be devious. But we’re not blatantly saying, Hey, this is an email that’s got a whole bunch of crap that you’re not going to pay any attention to anyway, and it went up to 10,000 people. You’re saying, Hey, Uncle,


Mostafa Hosseini  18:23

you just gave me some really good idea to break it up. Because here’s where I was getting stuck. And that is creating an entire email with the video with a thought with this with that, that would take me an hour or two to put together. But you’d give me an amazing idea. Like, here’s a quick thing. Hey, I just found this video really interesting.


 I could blast that to my entire list. Yep, in a matter of five minutes. Yeah. And I could probably have templates set built around the video, the book, the audio, what I’m having challenges with this week, like there’s four or five templates that I could use and build. And here’s a here’s a tip for you gang. The first time that you’ve sent that email out, you create your template, from then on, you could use that template if you’re in Infusionsoft, or ActiveCampaign, or any other type of email software. So that was a good coaching moment for me. I love it. Oh, thank


Ely Delaney  19:18

you. And we do that, I’m happy to share that. And that’s actually what we do is we teach our clients to do it, and we have the templates for them to use. And the idea is then you mix and match it. Again, you make it evergreen.


So when somebody comes into your world, they may not get today’s message, they get the one that was at the beginning. So my claim to fame, is I have a campaign that runs for over three years. My running joke is that I can go outside and get hit by a bus today. I’m still gonna sell you stuff for three more years.


Mostafa Hosseini  19:52

That’s a good problem to have. Yeah, now, people


Ely Delaney  19:55

bite back on that one and they freak out about me saying that so rest assured Should I look both ways twice before crossing any streets and I avoid buses. But it goes to show what’s possible that you build this, you build it. So it’s adding value.


It’s timely, but not time based. It’s evergreen, and then automated, you set it up and just let it run. When I built this, I know I would build like four emails that maybe I was actually six emails, I would sit down and and a half a day, write six emails with ideas, and that’s coming from scratch. And then they would get put into my system. And then a month later, I come back and do another six. And a month later, come back and do another six.


And I was just always to extra ahead. And lo and behold, after doing that for a while next thing, I knew I had three years worth of stuff, I don’t have to touch it, you know, I go back and I update, sometimes things don’t, they don’t, they’re not really what I would recommend. Now, there’s just what happened, then I might take an email out and replace it with a different one.


But when somebody comes into my world, they start at the beginning, and they go through the process. And you want to have the fun part of this, once you get it for a couple of years, you get to the end, you just loop it back to the beginning, because nobody will remember that far back anyway. You know, you can use that if you want to, or you can keep going. But the idea is, use that content for ever. Because it’s evergreen and always, always will be valuable.


Mostafa Hosseini  21:27

Love it. Love it. Love it, love it. I think that that’s going to help that one tip gang if you’re watching or listening, and if you have gang, if you’re watching or listening, you have any any questions for Eli? Put them in the comments, and we’ll make sure we cover that question. So Eli, what is the first campaign that we should start with what’s the one must thing that we have to have that


Ely Delaney  21:52

the first thing you have to have when you when you you’re out there is you have to have some form of lead magnet and lead magnet is a boring sterile term with it. But it literally is the way people who get to know more about how who you are and how you can help them. And that we see that as you know, there’s different things, there’s a book, there’s checklists, there’s videos, video series, all kinds of different stuff out there.


My personal favorite is a checklist. And a checklist is very, is great for two reasons. Number one is it’s very easy to create, you can have it up and running 100% in half a day. The second thing is because it’s so simple. It’s only two or three pages. It also makes it very consumable. You want something that’s fast to consume, and creates an urge of action right away. This is where a lot of people miss the boat. Because if you’re if you’re like me, and pretty much everybody else that I really have talked to, you download stuff all the time, because we’re information junkies.


But you got stuff that you’ve never even looked at, you might have a video series that you bought a program that you bought, and you never logged in to go check it out, or somebody has a book and you got you got the book, you downloaded the book. And you looked at like the you know, the cover page in the foreword. And that’s as far as you got with it.


Yeah, a checklist literally on the spot, they can get it, they can skim it because it’s checklist format, it’s not going to be long paragraphs or anything like that. And they can go oh, wait a minute, this is awesome. Instead of spending two minutes skimming it, they’re going to spend 10 minutes reading it. And you give them something actionable right then and there. So they can take action within the hour. That’s huge. Because that shows them in advance.


You’re easy to work with. You’re knowledgeable, and you can get them results right out of the gate.


Mostafa Hosseini  23:53

Love it. So you want to give them a checklist or something very short and sweet. Yeah. And have an action item at the end. Yeah,


Ely Delaney  24:04

and there’s gonna be two actions. Technically, there’s two actions, because the first one is for something for them to do something for them to actually go get results. But then you always have to also have your true call to action, which is what’s the next step? How do they connect with you when they go? This is awesome.


Tell me more. And you know, for a lot of people, you know, I work with a lot of coaches, consultants, I know you do to people that are in the speaking world, we have, you know, book, a calendar book on our calendar. Well, that can be the easiest one, that’s what I recommend for most people is like, hey, if this was useful, and you’d like to have a conversation and see how we can really help you and your team, go to the next level with whatever this thing is, then here’s a spot to go grab a spot on my calendar.


You know, if nothing else, we’ll have a good conversation. I’ll give you some some action steps that you can take and run. But if you know if otherwise, we could probably end up working together and we’ll find out on the call. We’ll see. Yeah,


Mostafa Hosseini  24:58

I think I did the comments about the shortness of your checklist. And what you’re providing is very important. And I think a lot of people get stuck on providing hours of content and 10s. And dozens of pages of content. Yeah, and just suffocating people with, with with information. And then, so this is what I learned recently, as long as I’ve been in marketing, there is way more value in in something that you give away.


If it takes less time to do it, than it does like six month, right, if you could fix a problem in six minutes, there is way more value in there than there is if you have if you can fix the same problem in six months and act like you’ve been around the block for so long. And then it’s, it’s, if you make it complicated, there’s not much value in there, right.


Ely Delaney  25:58

And that’s where, and that is so so true. Because I’m guilty of that I, it’s like I always have something else to share to share. It’s like, oh, but we could do this too, we could do that, too, we could do this. And I had to find myself pulling back in a lot of situations. And if you have all these ideas, instead of making one great big thing, make a whole bunch of little ones, and let people kind of pick and choose what actually stands out for that.


That’s one thing to do. But also, you want to have it super simple and short for the fact that we live in a time desolate society right now, we are swamped, we always we don’t have enough time to do the things we need to do.


So if you can give them something in that short amount of time, what that ends up doing is making it easier for them to actually take action on it because you like, I’m not gonna give you 10 things to do, I’m gonna give you one, I’m gonna give you two, I even do this with my clients, we have a whole bunch of campaigns we work with, I’ve got a whole back end database of of all these templates and all the stuff that I could give them and I say, you will have access to all the stuff that die yet, because right now I want you to do this one thing, get it up and running.


And then we’ll go to the next step. And, you know, by the time we finish working together, I’m gonna give you the rest of it. That’s that’s your to paid for it. But I don’t want you getting shiny object syndrome. I want you to do this one thing, take action on thing get results. And then we’ll go to the next thing. Exactly.


Mostafa Hosseini  27:32

Fair enough. So we have a lead magnet. Yes. And let’s say they come in and download your checklist tip, which we talked about your checklist, I share my checklist. And then and then people would download, right? And then you have a call to action. On that checklist at the end. What would the call to action look like? What would you say?


Ely Delaney  27:52

It’s going to be depending on your business structure, because everybody’s model is a little bit different. For example, what was yours? My mind basically is, you know, hey, if this sounds good, and you like this stuff, you got results, I would definitely love to hear about it. I would be happy to jump on a call with you and see if we might be able to help you out.


Yeah, trust me, and I put this right in there. I’m like, this isn’t about a sales call. This is about seeing how I can help you. If I feel that we can help you with what we have with our services, then we’ll have that conversation, but it’s about the conversation first. Rest assured that here’s the link, I always tell people that because, you know, let’s I mean, we’re not hiding anything. Yes, we want to get the sale, we’re in business.


You know, I’m the first person to say I’m a capitalist, I like getting paid. But at the same time, that does not mean you have to throw it down, throw it in people’s face all the time. And you don’t have to be a pushy salesman, have a conversation, make it about just getting to know them and offering value. And oh, by the way, I would love to work with you more. Here’s what that looks like. Is that sound of interest to you?


Mostafa Hosseini  29:05

One thing that you were talking about? I’m thinking of testing, as that is testing a call to action to have a conversation with our sales team. Because so that I’m not hiding the fact that this is a sales call. Yeah, I couldn’t I could even say that, hey, if you’re interested in buying this, right? And you don’t want to do it yourself, you know, because you don’t have time. Have a conversation. Let’s have a book a call with our sales team so they can tell you how we could do it for you. So they know it’s a sales call and I’m not going to hide that. Yeah,


Ely Delaney  29:37

no and there’s nothing yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t disagree with that. Actually. The what I disagree with is book a free strategy session with me which is basically everybody knows it’s a sales call. But you’re not saying it’s a sales call. So sounds Yeah, feels fishy. Yeah. So So for me, I mean, like I said, It goes it says above my head, I love meeting cool people. And anybody who’s watched me for a while knows that I am I’ll have off a conversation with anybody.


 I’m like the poster child for not what your children should be doing when it comes to talking to strangers. I will talk to anybody anywhere I have done business in the drive thru of Starbucks before. Okay, so that’s that, but that’s my personality. So when I tell people, I definitely would want to have a chat with you. It is a chat. And if I think that I can help you, then I’ll be like, You know what, I would love to work with you.


Would you be interested in hearing how that would look? Yeah. But that’s it’s an afterthought kind of situation. But like, what you’re talking about is you’re looking for qualified conversations for people who would be interested in buying. So you just change the verbiage up and saying, if you would like to have a conversation with our salespeople, or our sales team to see how we can help you with working with us by working with us. Here’s how you would do that.


 So you’re setting the stage with honesty? There’s nothing wrong with that. I think that is awesome to do it that way.


Mostafa Hosseini  31:03

I think I think and then it comes to it’s a matter of testing. I think I want to bring up to people is like don’t be afraid to test. Yeah, worse, that’s gonna that’s gonna happen is nothing. Right? Yeah. Put it out there. And nobody takes you up on that offer. Right?


Ely Delaney  31:21

Yeah. I mean, that’s the cool thing about it, too. I mean, you can literally you split test it and say, Okay, this, but I put it in front of 100 people here and 100 people here, these people booked calls these people didn’t that ain’t work and move on. Yeah, you know, that’s, that’s an easy thing to do. And if you want to, if you’re going to dry, like Facebook traffic or something to it, that’s a quick and easy answer to do that I have, I also have stuff that is designed that is more in that vein, it’s like, here’s a presentation, here’s, here’s how we work with our clients, watch this video.


And at the, at the end, if this sounds good to you, you can apply to work with us, that’s a sales conversation, I hate on anything. And they go into it knowing that I’m going to offer to sell it to them. And if I don’t, that means they aren’t qualified, and I don’t want to talk to them. You know, it’s like, you know what, I don’t think we’re a good fit. Here’s something you could go run with, which is something I think is really important.


You may you know, when you get on a call with somebody, and if you think somebody’s not a good fit, there’s nothing wrong with shortening the conversation and pointing them in the right direction to go do something. There’s there’s a lot of credit in that, because a lot of people don’t do it. They will literally just say I don’t think we’re a good fit by click. That’s not cool.


Okay. But if you can walk away and say, You know what, I don’t know, you know, I don’t think based on where you are and where we are, I don’t think that we’re a good fit for us to work with you right now. But here’s what I would suggest for you to go take steps right now, that could be referring them to somebody else could be referring to a book I have a lot of people are getting on calls with it financially, they’re just not ready or business wise, there’s too new in their business.


I’m happy to point them in the right direction. I’m like, You know what, go buy this book, read it, and then come back to me and let me know what you thought. And then that way, it’s like, cool. I were I mean, I’m not pitching them on anything fancy. But I still gave them value. And that 45 minute conversation might be 15 minutes. Absolutely. If nothing else, I help them along. That’s all I want to do. Yeah,


Mostafa Hosseini  33:30

yeah. And like you mentioned earlier, when when there’s like, Oh, here’s this free coaching session, it’s a no obligation free coaching session, you know, sales pitch,


Ely Delaney  33:41

it’s pitch. It’s a pitch and everybody


Mostafa Hosseini  33:43

personally, if if you tell me that, let’s jump on a conversation. And then if if it’s a good, good if you feel good about each other, yeah, you can think about signing up with our services, then I know going in, that’s a sales pitch. But if you swear to God, that is not a sales pitch.


And I walk in, and you start pitching me and it’s not selling me now I’m pissed off. Yeah, right, exactly how your customer would be pissed off. So don’t do that to your customers. Yeah. Well, and it’s


Ely Delaney  34:12

funny. It’s funny you say that, because I’ve had times where I’ve had conversations that I’ve worked with people. And I and I’ll get to that point. And then Mike, I’ll be honest with you this, this call was not meant for us to have for me to pitch you anything because it just wasn’t I wanted to get to know you honestly. But based on where you are, I really do think I could help you. And the cool thing is, people are very appreciative of that.


I’m coming from a place of honesty of saying, You know what, I didn’t actually plan on trying to sell you anything. But based on these things, and I point out those things that we talked about, you know, if you’re interested, I’d love to be able to talk to you about it. Sometimes we do it right then and there. And sometimes I’m like, You know what, if you’re interested I would love to book a call but we So we have more time to literally talk about that.


And I have had that I actually had somebody recently where we talked about it, because I was going to be speaking, potentially speaking on a summit they’re putting on. And so I just basically told them, I’m like, you know, based on this conversation, I honestly think I might be able to help you out. Would you be open to having a separate call for that? He booked on my calendar for the next day. Absolutely,


Mostafa Hosseini  35:25

absolutely. I think honestly helps quite a bit. And there’s people there’s that fear and people, we people have the fear of appearing salesy or being pushy, right. And in my experience, every single time that I was honest about my sales intentions, it actually worked tenfold better. For example, I ran a workshop. And it was either a free workshop or a low ticket workshop. Every time in the beginning and the very beginning of the workshop.


I said, guys, sometime during the next two to three days, I’m going to invite you to my mastermind program. That’s where I can serve or support you further. And yes, that’s a sales pitch. And it’s coming. Yeah, right. So get ready for it. Every time I did that my sales was great. Every time I hate it, I didn’t do that in the beginning. But at the end, they came up alright guys, here’s a time for a sales pitch myself just went down in a tact. So that honesty piece, I think is huge.


Ely Delaney  36:22

But is well. And that’s what people just want to know what to expect. Yeah, that’s and that’s where that’s where the conversation is, like everything I do when I have conversations with people, it’s literally a, you know, hey, here’s something go give this try. See if it works. If it works for you. Cool. Let me know, if it doesn’t work. I’d love to hear that as well.


Let’s, you know, touch base with me. And I might connect back with them in two weeks ago. Did you give that a try and find out what happened there. And you know, when it comes to that point where like, oh my gosh, this works. So well. It was awesome. It was like awesome. I would love to be able to help you more when you’re ready. Let’s have that conversation. You know where to find me? Love him? No, no pressure involved at all?


Mostafa Hosseini  37:01

Absolutely. All right. So we have a lead magnet, we have a call to action. Yep. And then some people take us up on that offer. Some people don’t tell us about what the follow up to that lead magnet should look like.


Ely Delaney  37:15

So what we actually did, the very first thing is you need to have you need to follow up about the lead magnet, not immediately into the pitch or the next step or the call to action per se. But you need to have some follow ups. And again, I emails my preferred way you can use texting, you can use phone calls, direct mail, if you want to smoke signals, whatever. Do the follow up about the lead magnet about your checklist?


Yeah, send them an email, you know, two or three days later and just say, Hey, did you get a chance to read the checklist? Did you see the part in step three or number three on the list about x, y, z. And that’s a great spot that if you have a case study kind of situation that you can share, that’s something you could do with that is put that right there and just say, hey, you know, we had so and so that actually did this.


And that was a great example of it. You know, it’s a great thing. And I’ll share this right now for everybody. This is an action step. If you’re not taking notes, take notes right now. Okay? Get out, you know, write an email to go out to your list people that you have not communicated with for 30 days or more. Okay.


And you’re gonna say the subject line is I’m such a slacker. That’s your subject line, because you gotta have some fun with this. Right? So I’m just such a slacker. You know? Hey, there. I did. I’ve done a horrible job of staying in touch with you. And I promised to do our I’m sorry about that. And I promise to do better. I would love to hear what you’ve been up to. What projects are you working on? And is there anything I can do to help you out? Let me know. And then sign it. Now,


Mostafa Hosseini  39:02

so what are you doing?


Ely Delaney  39:06

What are you up to? What projects are you working on? And is there anything I can do to help?


Mostafa Hosseini  39:15

I’m literally typing this as your as your near


Ely Delaney  39:18

you go. Okay. Take that and then sign it. Now I want you to notice one very, very, very, very, very critical piece of the whole thing. Do you notice there’s no pitch we’re not going to do a PS if you’d like to come to my next workshop go here and none of that kind of crap. Okay, you’re just gonna go through and all you’re doing is touching base with these people you haven’t stayed in touch with for a while. Now, here is a great example of this.


I had a client now I actually teach this as a much bigger scale. I just gave you kind of a Cliff’s Notes version first script, take it run with it, go have fun with it. I had a campaign that I helped the client with and was actually a three email campaign using this methodology. This plan, only there was a couple of other follow ups behind it. She sends it out. First thing the next morning, I get an email from her saying, hey, like we have to stop the campaign. Like, okay, what’s going on?


Because everybody responded. Like, what do you mean? Everybody responded? She goes, No, everybody responded. Had my mouth. Yes. And her calendar was booked solid for the next month.


Mostafa Hosseini  40:32

You put a booking link there?


Ely Delaney  40:34

No, they replied to her. And she said, I would love to chat with you. Here’s my calendar. She made over $12,000 By the end of the week, because of that email right there. That


Mostafa Hosseini  40:49

makes sense. That makes perfect sense.


Ely Delaney  40:53

And that alone, which by the way, before I go any further to this, please take that. Go do it today. Today,


Mostafa Hosseini  41:04

gang today, not tomorrow. Don’t think about it. In six months. Today, try it, go do it.


Ely Delaney  41:10

And then connect with me in any of the social media sites. I don’t care where I’m easy to find. Connect with me and tell me what happened. I love I have lots of stories. I have one guy who sent that email out. I am west coast. He is east coast.


He says that email at 8am East Coast time. I’m just not even awake yet at that point. So I go, I get this email says, holy crap. Eli, I cannot believe this. I sent this at 8am. I think we were at 8am. My time when I started this maybe seven. I’ve already had 20 people reply back to this. And it’s not even halfway through the day yet. By the end of the week, he had a brand new $500 a month coaching program that he launched and had a person signed up for it.


That didn’t exist. It wasn’t even an idea on Monday when he sent the email. This is powerful stuff.


Mostafa Hosseini  42:09

I can see that you could have been sending a message on your social media to your people. Yeah. Like on LinkedIn on Facebook to your friends. Hey, how’s it going? I’m sorry, I haven’t been in touch.


Ely Delaney  42:21

Yeah, you can you can use this on the other ones as well.


Mostafa Hosseini  42:24

I think another place where people get stuck is like, but I don’t have an email list. Okay. You don’t have to have an email list. You have Facebook, ERP, Instagram, you have LinkedIn, you have all these other resources.


Ely Delaney  42:35

You got this thing right here. It’s got an address book and it doesn’t it?


Mostafa Hosseini  42:39

Yep. Okay, definitely. We have a


Ely Delaney  42:42

view. And here’s where the automation comes in. You don’t have to do anything fancy, literally write it up in a Google Doc, do your, your proofreading, make sure it all looks good. And you literally copy paste, send, copy, paste, send. If you have to do it old school and the very slow, boring way.


There you go. But instead of spending five minutes writing it each time, you literally spend 30 seconds. And that’s that’s the low rent version of it. Wow.


Mostafa Hosseini  43:11

Gang, if you’re watching or listening, he just literally shared a 10k kind of program that you could do in a matter of today.


Ely Delaney  43:24

Yeah. Right, half an hour. Yeah. If


Mostafa Hosseini  43:26

you have any objections about that, put them in a comment. I’d love to see your objections about that.


Ely Delaney  43:32

I would love to to because so far, I haven’t found anybody as I’m working with. The worst case scenario I have heard was one person. I had do this. And she came back to me the next day, the next day, and she was like, Oh my gosh, Eli, I cannot believe how powerful this was.


 I’ve gotten more responses to that email than anything I’ve ever done in the last three years. That was my worst case result. At that point, she hadn’t sold anything. So that’s why I call it the worst case. She she made sales down the road. I don’t have the numbers on that one.


But I know that that was literally in 48 hours. She was like I cannot believe how responsive my list is. They never respond to this stuff. But this email was magic.


Mostafa Hosseini  44:22

And it was so simple. So if you miss that it’s it’s that delay out as I’m her have done a horrible job of staying in touch. I’m sorry. I’ll promise I’ll do better. Just curious. What are you been up to? What projects are you working on? And is there anything I could do to help?


 Yeah, let me know. Please. Thanks, Mostafa. Thanks, John. All right. Yep, well sent and the subject was I’m such a slacker or are your creative subject, right?


Ely Delaney  44:53

Be creative with it, but have fun with it too. I mean, if that’s a word you would never ever use, then change it. But, but that but you have to admit that’s going to grab your attention. If you’ve got an email that says, I’m such a slacker, you’re going to open that you’re going to check it, check it out and see what’s going on there. So


Mostafa Hosseini  45:10

someone’s asking, does it work with cold outreach?


Ely Delaney  45:15

That probably wouldn’t work for cold outreach, because you can’t say I’m a slacker, because I haven’t stayed in touch with you, when you don’t even know them.


Mostafa Hosseini  45:21

Here’s what I’m thinking. It would probably work on your contacts on LinkedIn that you haven’t been in touch with. Yeah, you could do that.


Ely Delaney  45:29

Yeah, you could do it that way. Now, if you met somebody, yeah, if you’ve got somebody that’s cold, this talk about that for a second, cold connection. First and foremost, do not buy an import list. That’s a bad thing that the bad bad mojo that happens and you’re gonna get a voodoo doll at some point. Do the right thing. And if you’re going to reach out, whether it be email, Facebook, LinkedIn, whatever it is, establish the connection and the relationship.


 I literally had somebody today, I love the fact that this happened today, because I get to throw them under the bus because it was, you know, hey, Eli, see you’re in digital marketing as well. How would you like to get two or three new booked high qualified leads on your, on your calendar every single week, this is what my company does.


And I can do it for you to let me know, if you’re interested. And I’ll send you more info. I have no clue who this person is, I have no never met them in any way, shape or form. There is no relationship there. And if they had started with at least a, hey, Les, I see we’re part of a group together or Hey, I see we’re, you know, we’re similar, blah, blah, blah, we have friends connected, something to establish the conversation first. With that starts us having a relationship instead of immediately going for the jugular. And that’s a big thing for me.


And I know a lot of people that if you come at them like that, you’re gonna get nailed. You know, just they’ll block you just like that. But coming from a, you know, hey, let’s talk, let’s start a conversation.



For me, I’ll just have a conversation with somebody and I’ll talk about maybe somebody that they were connected together or something, if I find somebody that dog person, you know, we talked about that with Bob, that’s one of the reasons Bob and I get along so well, because we’re about dog people, you know, find some commonality, something you can start a real human conversation with.


And then lead into that if it’s the right fit. But out of the gate, it just doesn’t work. As people get out. People get pissed, really, you got to


Mostafa Hosseini  47:35

warm up. So with our regular people on our list, how do we follow up with them? Let’s say I have a few 1000 people or a few 100 people on my list. Okay, and I am what’s the best way to do the follow up. So we talked about doing the personal stuff, here’s what I’m working on. Here’s what I’m thinking, is there another way to do it? And is there a way to automate this so it’s done.


Ely Delaney  48:02

So, so here’s what I would do. And I’ve given you I’ve already given you the basic overview of what to do, it’s just a matter of putting the pieces in the right order. So if you haven’t stayed in touch with their list the way you should start off with the I’m a slacker, start there, okay.


And then it doesn’t matter if they’ve responded or not, then you can put them into the ultimate follow up as I call it, which is your your general nurture backup stuff of the books or recommendations or tips, tricks, videos, stuff like that, and stay in touch with them that can go across the board, whether they’re a client or a prospect, it doesn’t matter, because you’re just adding value. Okay?


Then you talk about a differently, you can have a different form of conversation based on if somebody is a client, or somebody’s a prospect. Obviously, if they’re a prospect, you can warm them up to a sales conversation. And there’s 100 different ways you can do that. But always segregate segregated things down segments, things is the better word sorry, segment things down to who are prospects who are clients, because if you pitch a client on something they’re already in, they will get annoyed and you look silly.


 So pay attention to that stuff, those attention to detail points are night and day difference in the results you get. But you can literally have everybody in the same basic stuff. If I’m going to share a book with you doesn’t matter if you’re a referral partner, a casual acquaintance, a prospect or a client. If that book has value, the book has value. So it’s okay to send that to everybody. Yeah, as long as it’s all as long as it’s a good fit for that curb.


Yeah, you know, I have, like I do mostly business stuff because most of the people I’m associated with are entrepreneurs. And so there are certain certain industries depending on what it is that they’re not going to recommend business books because their clientele are consumers that doesn’t make sense to do that. Love it.


Mostafa Hosseini  49:56

You talk about thinking in or about campaign’s What do you mean by that?


Ely Delaney  50:01

So, I touched a bit on this with the, what I call it the ultimate follow up or aka the like gets hit by a bus campaign. That is the think evergreen think in processes that I want you to think all of your communication, like a campaign. Most people think strategic one off situations. And what ends up happening is they write an email, and then they send a blast to their list. And they write an email and send a blast to their list. Stop doing that it’s too much work. It’s too hard. It’s easy to forget, it’s easy to get busy, get distracted, things happen.


 Don’t do it that way. Stop and think about campaigns, maybe you have an event coming up, sit down and put together all of the invitations that you’re going to do for the next you know, six weeks. Put them all in place at one time. This one goes out today, this one goes out next week, this one goes out and in seven more days, this one goes out three days after that. Be strategic about the timing. Think in campaigns also remember, one touch doesn’t do it any day anymore. You have to remind people, all of our media, all of our marketing tools, whether it be email, Facebook, texting, LinkedIn, any of the stuff that’s out there, I mean, more and more people are using like WhatsApp and Telegram for for messaging as well to communicate with their with their community.


It doesn’t matter what the medium is. We’re getting bombarded by you know, used to say 3000 messages a day, it’s probably closer to 10. Now, so you have to hit them more often. But you don’t have to hit them so hard. That’s the thing is it used to be, boom, this is really big over the top thing. But that was one of two emails they got that day, of course, they’re going to pay attention to it. When it’s one of 200 emails. Yeah, chances are, they’re going to skip it.


So you got to remind them, you got to come back again. And so my, my recommendation is think multiple touches multiple medium, over multiple days. And be strategic about it. That’s where thinking and campaigns comes into play. When you do that, you get out of Rush mode, you get out of fire mode, you get out of emergency mode. And it makes it so much easier. When I have a great example when I when I do a live event kind of situation.


I used to do a lot of joint venture webinars with people where I would present my program to their audiences. I had it so strategic, that it would take me 45 minutes start to finish to create the landing page, all the emails entire campaign set up and ready to go and all swipe file ready to that client ready to go. Because I had it in a campaign, it was all scripted out. So I knew exactly what was going to happen, when where how, how often time of day was important. All that stuff. That’s what we’re talking about here.


Take the time to think it through and be more strategic instead of tactical. Yeah, tactics will only get you so far.


Mostafa Hosseini  53:34

Love it. So I’m thinking, be think back, sit back, think about it. And don’t be spontaneous about this kind of thing. Like, Oh, I gotta do this right now and then do it and then forget about the rest of stuff. Like, late, you know, running up, put it on paper, it’s a lot easier. People think it’s hard, but it’s actually a lot easier when you plan it out. And you decide what you’re gonna do when you think it through.


 Actually think it through, think about your customers what they’re expecting. And then when you do it, you’ll see more results. And it’s yeah, the spontaneous stuff doesn’t produce a lot of


Ely Delaney  54:11

results. Yeah, and let me let me add something to that. Because I think it’s really important because I’m sure you’ve got you’ve got people that are a bit on the higher level of they’ve got the software, they’ve got the technology, whether it be you know, Infusionsoft slash key for Active Campaign or whatever, as you’re starting to do this stuff.


When I talk about being strategic, one of the most powerful things and the best thing you can do planet all First, create all your stuff. All right, all your emails in a Google Doc and one email per document by the way, it helps keep things very linear, so you don’t screw it up. That Hey, because we’re humans we make mistakes. So eliminate the friction that’s going to screw things up. One document for one email. Why multiple documents?


Take your what’s your landing page going to look like? Write all the copy for the landing page. for each of those emails, I should say, here’s the subject, here’s who it goes to, here’s when it goes out. And you plan every piece of that, before you ever touch your software, get it all ready to go. Because then when you get in your software, it’s like, copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste, and you’re going to be fast with it. Love it.


Mostafa Hosseini  55:21

Eli, please tell us about your gift. The follow up blueprint.


Ely Delaney  55:26

Yeah, so this is something that I originally put together ages ago, from a standpoint of networking, face to face networking. Now, the world has changed so much since then. So I’ve revamped it. I updated it a little while ago. And because of everything that happened in 2020, I also created a mini course that actually goes with it for how to network online, how to network in an online world.


And so this is something that I love to give away as a get you started, you know, you’ve got you’re meeting people, you should be meeting people, conversations lead to sales, if you’re not having the conversation, you’ll never get the sale. And so the way you connect with people and follow up after that initial in person, or fit or virtual handshake is night and day difference, that’s what’s going to make the difference for you.


 And so the follow up blueprint is, is a guide to give you the ideas of what to do, how often how to connect with them in different media, stuff like that. And then the online world actually is a video series that I put together, it’s a very short thing, it’s a mini course, that is part of it. Now I just added to it for the simple fact of, we need to know how to network properly in the digital world, as opposed to the physical world because we’ve got both now.


And sometimes I mean, I just spoke for a group in the UK this morning. And it was it was a blast, I just connected and I’ve got people booked on my calendar to talk to them for next week. That came from this particular event that came from another event that I I was a guest speaker at for another event about two months ago. And that was also based in the UK. They’re based in Sweden, actually.


And so we are in this virtual world, we need to have that same type of personalized touch communication. And so that’s what the follow up blueprint is really about. And then we talk about how to find those connections and more the online society. Love


Mostafa Hosseini  57:25

  1. So again, if you’re watching or listening, make sure you go to Eli, forward slash daily confidence, and download the follow up blueprint, right? And go through it take a look at I actually just signed up for it myself. I’m waiting for it, to see it. And I’m going to start applying and I’m going to start implementing what Eli talks about, because my business is all about follow up as well. So I need to know the follow up blueprint.


I’d love to see. And you know how we’re all usually, most marketers are like cobblers and not shoes. I’m more certainly have areas where I can improve my own follow up, right, like we do done for you follow ups through phone calls for our people and our customers. But I’m pretty sure there are things that I could do to improve my own follow up systems for a fact. So I’m looking forward to downloading that. And we like,


Ely Delaney  58:20

let me let me talk to that for just a second. Because the cool thing about it is like I do a lot of the automation and the email side of things from the follow up process. But like what you’re doing is you’re adding in the follow up phone calls for you know, your clients, and how do you build a better relationship with his clients, we’ll have phone calls, the easiest way to do that. And most people skip that altogether.


You know, when I when I work with my clients, we build this in I’m like, Okay, are you are you willing to pick up the phone and call people and touch base with them, because if you are, it’s going to be a lot more powerful. Let’s add this to the mix. So the system provides the task for whoever is going to make that phone call to do it on a certain day at a certain time. Nothing better than sending an email that says, hey, I wanted to check in with you and see how things are going and then getting a phone call an hour later.


This is hey, I just sent an email about this. I just want to check in and make sure you got the email and see if you had any questions. Your Your credibility is skyrocketed by doing something like that. Opposite just doesn’t happen.


Mostafa Hosseini  59:22

So one of the things I’m going to add to my Infusionsoft campaign is for this very download that I mentioned, the simple retention formula checklist. We’re gonna add a credit to set the system up to create a task for me to call them. Yep. Now say do the exact same thing that you just mentioned. That was another great thing for me. See, I told you I need I need improvements here. Right.


Ely Delaney  59:44

This is the stuff I did on all day long. We can talk about guns we could


Mostafa Hosseini  59:49

talk about this like for another week.


Ely Delaney  59:52

Pretty much yeah, especially with what you do and what I do. It is such a natural complement


Mostafa Hosseini  59:57

to each other perfectly. Yeah, like yours too. Technology. Here’s human, we could do it together and like, revolutionize your business. Yeah, we’ll be your revenue department. There we go. Right. So let me ask you a few questions and I know we’re running out of time. Yep. What’s a new thing you have tried recently


Ely Delaney  1:00:16

a new thing that I’ve tried recently. You know what actually, here’s a great way. So if you’re in front of the computer a lot like I am a friend of mine had actually recommended getting blue light filter glasses. And so I picked these up from Amazon. And they fit over my regular glasses which is great because you know, without them, I can’t see anything. And it is a night and day if you’re in front of the computer a lot. go to Amazon or wherever I mean, these were like 22 bucks.


Go pick up a set of these and use them it will be eyestrain difference is amazing. Like usually by the end of the day, my eyes are just pulsing. And this makes a huge difference. So that is something new. I’ve had him for maybe two weeks.


Mostafa Hosseini  1:00:58

Love it. Love it. Love it. What are your favorite books of all time? The top two or three? Oh,


Ely Delaney  1:01:03

favorite books of all time? There’s a couple of different ones with that. I mean, obviously the the basic thing you’re thinking Grow Rich, one of the best ones out there. The Myth of Multitasking by David Crenshaw is one of my all time favorite books about the the myth of what multitasking is we say we mill multitask, we’re great at multitasking, well, multitasking is not a real thing is called Switch tasking. And it actually is less productive than it could possibly ever make you more productive.


So that’s another one. And then a one of my favorites for entrepreneurship as a whole is me inc by Gene Simmons. I think it’s required reading for anybody who’s an entrepreneur. He talks about what it is like to truly be your own entity, your own, your own brand. And he’s the epitome of the perfect capitalist. So I highly recommend that if you’re if you’re in business, it’s a must read.


Mostafa Hosseini  1:02:07

Love it. Love it, love it. What’s one advice that made a massive impact on your life or business?


Ely Delaney  1:02:15

Something that there’s so many of them. I think one


Mostafa Hosseini  1:02:21

thing missing impacting business or life, or we don’t have to do it


Ely Delaney  1:02:24

all yourself. And I still struggle with that one. That’s why I am a very big fan of automation for the simple fact that I don’t have to do it all my automatic robots do a bunch of it for me. You know, my my keeper, Infusionsoft, Whichever name you want to call it, I say that it’s worth two full time employees. To me, it actually does the work of two full time employees.


But you don’t have to do everything manually. You don’t have to do it all. And most importantly, it really does boil down to the relationships you meet, because that is the most powerful thing. Love


Mostafa Hosseini  1:02:56

  1. Last question he like if you had a Facebook ad, or a Google ad, where everyone on the internet could see your ad? What would your message be for people of Earth?


Ely Delaney  1:03:08

Ah, I think the most important thing is don’t don’t stress about doing everything, do the right things and spend the majority of your time meeting cool people.


Mostafa Hosseini  1:03:26

majority of your time meeting cool people? I have certainly done that over the past couple over the past two years. Yeah.


Ely Delaney  1:03:40

Well, I have to I have to actually give you a thanks. I was going to I didn’t even think about this at the correlation at the time. You introduce somebody to me just recently, and that person introduced me to somebody else, which is the summit that I am speaking on coming up in a couple of weeks, which is the person I was telling you about earlier, who said that they wanted to hear more about my my coaching program and booked a separate call that I use that as an example that all came from you. So I have to give you kudos and thank you for that.


Awesome. I want to do that because I was like, wait a minute, this is this is why the world turns this way. This everything that I talked about today is based around this. So let’s give a real world example. And it was loving, you know, that is kind of I’m speaking at an event and I have a new potential client purely because of the fact that you made one introduction to to me and I was introduced to you by a mutual friend of ours.


Mostafa Hosseini  1:04:28

Absolutely. And it’s like a never ending chain. Yeah. Right. You just keep doing that. And people do that for you. And, and like you said it’s very important to mention this that I do it to Eli introduce Eli but I may not necessarily get instruction back from Eli, maybe I’ll get it from someone else. Yeah,


Ely Delaney  1:04:45

that’s the Go Giver. That’s the Go Giver. It’s like you don’t know where it’s gonna come back from. It might come back in in me sending a referral. It might be somebody else sending you a referral. It might meet me coming up with a great idea that I’m like, hey, you know what you should you should take this and run with it. It doesn’t it You don’t know how it’s going to show up. Just know that it will, it will show up. And just knowing that in your heart is super powerful, love


Mostafa Hosseini  1:05:06

  1. Eli, is there anything that you’d like to share that we didn’t get a chance to talk about? Um,


Ely Delaney  1:05:12

you know, most importantly, I’ll share one last little trick. It’s a trick, but it’s super super. It’s ridiculously obvious, but most people don’t do it. I would love for everybody listening to this, to connect with me, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever met, but tell me, what was your big thing of what did you take away from this? Okay, what was the nugget that you’re going to take action on. And here’s the secret to this is number one, I love hearing these things.


That makes me feel good to note that I was able to help and hear the results from that. So that helps my ego. Let’s not hide that part. But here’s the most important thing. If you’re going to connect with somebody in the virtual world, don’t just hit that Friend Request button. Don’t just hit that connect button. Send them a message that goes with it. Why are you connecting with them? If you if you heard somebody on a show like this, tell them that if you found somebody that you wanted to reach out, you want to reach out to Bob Berg and just say, Hey, I read your book.


This is awesome. That don’t just hit the button, hit the button and send the message. You will stand out. Yeah, I get no less than 10 friend requests on Facebook every single day. Yeah. And usually two of them get answered. And those are the ones that stand out the rest of them. Yeah, when I find time down the road, eventually we’ll get to him. Gonna have to do that.


Mostafa Hosseini  1:06:39

Yeah, when you add a message there. And it’s could be as little as take a little look at their profile and mentioning something personal about their profile that you might find in common. Yeah, I noticed we’re both dog lovers. Let’s chat. That’s simple. That’s not hard. Yeah. But it just gives you that extra touch. That’s it. Oh, there’s we have something in common. I’d love to accept it. You know, this person’s request.


That actually yesterday, I watched someone on a on an interview on YouTube, found the guy’s a big shot, actually found him on LinkedIn, send a message. And I said, I saw you on so and so’s interview on YouTube. Great job. Looking forward to connecting two seconds later, we’re connected. Right? Yeah. It’s not that hard.


Ely Delaney  1:07:26

No, it’s not. And it’s and that’s the best way because, you know, even people that are not as quote unquote, approachable celebrities are a lot more approachable than you would think. But you got to do something to stand out. You got to make them actually think you’re not just a crazy stalker. And if you could just say one little sentence of you know, hey, this is I saw you here. This is what impact it made. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Boom. You just stood out like that.


Mostafa Hosseini  1:07:54

Yeah. Simple. Simple. Yep. Eli, thank you very much. This has been an in very interesting conversation. I love what we do. Obviously, I love what I do you love what you do. And I think we could do some magic together. The combination of follow ups in different forms and automation and, and you know, doing the personal human touch makes magic and my experience. Well over 99% of people don’t do any of that.


Ely Delaney  1:08:19

Yep, I would agree. 100% on that. Yep. Like most they


Mostafa Hosseini  1:08:23

do is they send that email newsletter on a weekly basis. And here’s another offer. Here’s another offer. That’s not retention. That’s not follow up right now. And so


Ely Delaney  1:08:35

yes, thank you so much. It’s my pleasure being here. I have. I mean, you could tell I have fun talking about this stuff. You said it earlier, we could probably geek out on this all day long. And at some point, we will, we’ll have to figure out figure out a time to get together and get together in real person and maybe hang out. I look forward to that. I look


Mostafa Hosseini  1:08:55

forward to it. So Darren, if you’re watching or listening, as usual, please make sure you hit the like button. That really means a lot to me personally and to I guess it tells me that you’re watching and tells me that you did like it. Right. Sometimes I see my own personal friends saying that they watch my show up but they don’t like it.


And I’m like, if you don’t like it or comment, I don’t know. I don’t know if that meant something to you. Right. So if you’re watching please leave a comment. You know, like it and or share it if you care to with other people who could benefit from this conversation and help people you know, fix their follow up problem.

My name is Mostafa Hosseini. Thank you for joining us and I look forward to seeing you guys on our next episode. Have a great week and we’ll see you later.


Ely Delaney  1:09:39

Thank you my friend.

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What are effective follow-up strategies for entrepreneurs?

Effective follow-up strategies include personalized emails, consistent communication, and using automation to maintain client engagement.

How can automation improve follow-up systems?

Automation streamlines processes, allowing businesses to send timely follow-ups without manual intervention, ensuring no leads are forgotten.

What role does personalization play in follow-up strategies?

Personalization enhances engagement by making clients feel valued, leading to stronger relationships and improved response rates.

How can I create effective lead magnets?

Effective lead magnets should be simple, actionable, and provide immediate value, encouraging potential clients to take the next step.

What are the best practices for email marketing campaigns?

Best practices include segmenting your audience, crafting compelling subject lines, maintaining consistency, and analyzing performance for improvements.