Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show – Episode 14.
In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over how “Cleaning and Maintaining your Car” will help you boost your confidence. Over the years, Mostafa learned that growing a business has its own ups and downs, requires confidence on a daily basis, and is here to share those experiences with you. Through coaching calls, interviews, and monologues, Mostafa will share the wisdom he has gained through the years on starting, running and maintaining his businesses.
If you are an entrepreneur, you want to be an entrepreneur, or if you are somebody that has launched a business and struggling with your confidence and trying to figure out what your next steps are in growing and scaling your business confidently, this show is going to be for you.
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How will cleaning and maintaining your car help you boost your confidence?
Can your environment affect your mindset?
How does self care and awareness help you boost your confidence?
1:41 – The dirty environment inside your car affects your mood whether you like or not.
3:15 – Change your environment so you can change your mood.
4:09 – Present yourself and present your vehicle with pride. It is more of self care and awareness.
5:00 – Once you clean the car, you will feel good and it affects your confidence.
Good evening, Good morning, Good afternoon. Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini, and I’m your host for the show. I am here with another episode of Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. At this show, our purpose is to share tips and actionable advice that you could use on a daily basis to run your business and take your business to the next level.
I am going over the next item on the Confidence 52! Checklist. I am going to post the link here in the chat box, so you can go there and download it. The link is dailyconfidence.show/resources. If you go to dailyconfidence.show/resources, you can download the Confidence 52! Checklist.
This is a checklist that I put together over the past 20 years while working on my confidence, while running my business, boosting my confidence and feeling better and more stronger with myself, and my business. There are 52 items on the list that you can pick and choose from to help you boost your confidence when it comes to running your business and the rest of it.
So today, in Episode 14, I am talking about how cleaning and maintaining your car will help you boost your confidence. Now, what does cleaning my car have to do with confidence? Just hear the idea out. It is simple, but it’s effective and it works. I’ve done it on a monthly or bi-weekly basis when I clean my car. I’m gonna just go dig deep into what it does.
Now, If you drive around in your vehicle and you travel in your vehicle, and you spend a lot of time on it, the environment inside your vehicle affects your mood. I’ve seen a lot of people where the inside of the car is more like a garbage bin. There is a lot of garbage and a lot of extra stuff in the backseat, on the front seat on the floor, coffee stains, coffee mugs and coffee cups that are sitting around and the car is dirty inside.
The messiness and the unorganized environment and the dirty environment inside your car affects your mood. It affects your confidence, right? Affects you whether you like it or not. So you may be ignoring how dirty or how clean your car is. But as you’re driving around from meeting to meeting, going shopping, you know traveling around, that messy environment affects your mood.
As you may have heard, your environment always wins. Okay, so on the other side of the coin is the environment around you is a result of your mindset. If it’s messy inside your mind, it reflects out into your environment and onto your environment.
The environment around you is a result of your mindset. If it's messy inside your mind, it reflects out into your environment and onto your environment.
Mostafa Hosseini Tweet
One quick thing you need to do is to change your environment so you can change your mood. I know that the environment around you, your immediate environment like your room and your office and your car inside and outside of it as a result of your mind. But if you change the environment, it also affects how you feel and affects your mood. So you can either change the inside, the mindset or change the environment and they all both affect each other.
It is all about self care and awareness and handling what’s around you. Handling it like a leader. Basically, all you need to do is get out there. Either do it yourself in a coin car wash or take it to a car wash or take your vehicle to a detail shop. Have them clean the car inside out. You either do it yourself or you pay somebody 50 bucks, 100 bucks, or however much they charge to clean the car.
Once you clean the car, you feel better about sitting inside the car. Whether you like it or not or whether you believe it or not, it affects your confidence. It’s clean because it’s organized. Now you can be proud of it. Present yourself and present your vehicle with pride. Be like, you know what, this is my car. It’s clean and I feel good about it.
That’s how it affects your confidence and how you carry yourself. You actually enjoy the time being inside your vehicle. It’s not like it’s messy, and it looks like a dumpster and you have to get out of it, you actually would get rid of all the junk, clean it up, get rid of all the dust, and feel good.
I do this on a regular basis, and I feel good about it. A lot of people I know do it. Try it and let me know how it feels and whether it works out for you or not. Whether you feel good about your car, yourself and your confidence and how you feel about the whole process. I hope you find this useful.
Having a clean car affects your confidence and how you carry yourself.
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This would be a rather short episode. Please try it and test it. If you know anyone that could benefit from this small tip that is very effective, please tag them in a comment on a post below in whichever platform you’re watching live or on our podcast. Please leave a comment if you have any questions. Then we’ll take it from there.
My name is Mostafa Hosseini, and I’m your host for the show. Please also remember to subscribe to our podcast on Apple and Spotify. We will be giving away gifts to the listeners and people that engage with us on an ongoing basis. Have a great day. I hope you found this tip and this episode useful. Bye now.
Why does a clean car feel good?
Our emotions are very much affected by the environment, so when we get into a car that is dirty and cluttered on a daily basis, it can have a negative impact on our emotional well-being and self-confidence. When you clean your car, it has a direct impact on your mode and your confidence.