How teamwork helps you boost your Confidence? – Ep. 30

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 30.

In this episode, Mostafa will go over “How teamwork helps you boost your confidence?”

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Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 30.

In this episode, Mostafa will talk about how Teamwork will help you boost your confidence.


  • How will teamwork help you boost your confidence?

  • What are the things that you can do to show team work? 

  • Can having someone to rely on help your business confidence?



3:35 – When it comes to business it really helps you boost your confidence because you’ve got a team behind you.

5:14 – The most important thing is when we tap into other people’s intelligence, use their wisdom and knowledge so their is another set of eyes in our business and everything that we’re doing.

5:51 –  Work on creating your team, whether it’s inside your business or outside your business.


Mostafa Hosseini  0:02  

Here we go and we are live. Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini and I’m your host for the show. 

At Daily Confidence, our purpose and our aim is to share tips and actionable advice that you could use on a daily basis to boost your confidence when it comes to running your business. 

Now, one of the ways that we help our clients and people boost their confidence and become more confident when it comes to running their business is by helping business owners, coaches, consultants create their One Page Marketing Plan as business owners. 

An experience that I’ve had with people over the years is that many business owners, coaches, consultants are poking around at different marketing tools, ideas, systems, processes, programs, and what not. 

What they’re seeing is a lot of confusion, frustration, anxiety and depression because of the fact that  they don’t see results.  They experience daily setbacks. 

We help them put everything that they have learned and everything they need to do on one page so that they can use it. So they know exactly what needs to be done. 

The Simple Marketing Formula is coming up on the weekend of December 11 to 13th and the aim is to work with a group within the community and work on building your One Page Marketing Plan so you know exactly what you’re going to do in 2021. 

The vacation that you’re going to take and the holidays you’re going to take during Christmas time, you’re going to be a lot more confident if you have a one page plan in your back pocket.

So this is literally a $2,000 course that we’re giving away. I’m not sure how long we’re going to be giving it away but if you want to learn more and secure your spot, I’m going to share the link here. 

Let me just double check, make sure everything is looking good. My colleague commented at the live show. It’ll be in the show descriptions as well. The link is

How teamwork helps boost your confidence
Create a team. It is an absolute necessity for growing your business.

Today I’m talking about teamwork and how teamwork helps you boost your confidence.

We just finished the Confidence Giveaway. The aim for the Confidence Giveaway was to share gifts with business owners that helps them boost their confidence in different areas of business.

We had a great giveaway and we had some very amazing heart-centered entrepreneurs that shared their expertise, knowledge and tools.  The toolboxes that they had helped business owners boost their confidence when it comes to mindset, business strategy, sales and marketing speaking visibility, health and wellness and finance. 

There’s one more category that I don’t remember. We had seven, a total of 38 gifts and things were looking really good. 

Now, as we were working this team work that we needed to get there, the community work that we did together was beyond amazing. We were all giving, sharing, helping learning, and contributing.

The beauty of this was that all 38 people that were involved in a giveaway, we’re all promoting each other. It’s just the greatest feeling where you know you’re supporting others and the others are supporting you. There’s nothing better than that. 

When it comes to business it really helps you boost your confidence when you’ve got a team behind you. You’ve got other people that are out there that you can rely on. You can fall back on.

Now, as business owners, most business owners are lonely creatures, right? They tried to figure everything out on their own, especially in the first few years. It just takes so much more time. and it costs a lot more when we try to figure everything out on our own. Right. 

As CEO’s or chief everything officers. We have multiple skills to learn and master with. A million things that we have to do, multiple hats that we’re wearing in a business. So it is a lot easier to have:

  1. First, our internal business team, maybe a team of salespeople, your PR people, designers, developers, however your business looks like to have that team of internal people rely on.
  2. Then we have our external team. Whether it’s a mastermind group or other mentors and coaches that we rely on, or other business friends and colleagues that we can tap into the knowledge and expertise, for business advice and for when we need help. 

Again, just having the support, having the backup and having something to rely on. The most important thing is when we tap into other people’s intelligence, use their wisdom and knowledge. Another set of eyes on our operation in our business and everything that we’re doing, it makes everything a lot easier. 

Please hear this, a lot more fun, right? When we’re alone, it’s not so much fun. But when we got a team, we got some people to rely on, some people to work with, and get support from them and have fun along the way. Things become a lot easier and more fun.


When it comes to business it really helps you boost your confidence when you've got a team behind you. You've got other people that are out there to rely on and fall back on.

What I’m going to invite you to do is work on creating your team. Whether it’s inside your business or outside your business. A mentor, a coach, a mastermind group you have to fall into and work with, or your internal business team. It is an absolute necessity for growing your business.

In maintaining a business and to have a sustainable business, having a team is essential. I have said before that it takes a village to raise a kid, but it takes a city to run a business. If you’ve been in business for any period of time, you know that it takes a lot of people to basically run a business and get support along the way. So I hope that was useful. 

If you gave that a try or you had an experience where you work with team members and other community members to achieve something great, please share your experience in a comment below or on Apple or Google. Review with us and we will do a draw for giving away gifts for people that do that. 

How teamwork helps boost your confidence
When you have a team, things become a lot easier and more fun.

If you’d like to join us for Simple Marketing Formula, it is coming up on the weekend of December 11. The link is in the chat box and again it is Anyway, the links are in the show notes so you can grab them and click and check it out. 

If you want to be more confident with your business, about your marketing, figuring out your goals, your strategy, your one page plan that helps you grow and scale your business in 2021 and be more confident.

You will experience teamwork because we do a lot of sharing with other business owners. We do a lot of hot seats and mastermind sessions during this three day workshop. So you tap into a lot of other people’s wisdom and intelligence and it’s really worth its weight in gold.

Hope you found this useful. Have a great rest of your day and great rest of your week. We’ll see you later. Bye now.



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