Stop Meditating! How Mindfulness is Sabotaging Your Success… – ep 93

👉 In this episode, you will discover …

  • What role meditation and spiritual practice ACTUALLY have in success
  • How to bypass limiting beliefs
  • How to balance inspired action and surrender to unlimited success
  • Watch Mostafa get exposed and coached by Daniel Mangena!

Join Daniel Mangena and me and discover “Why Mindfulness is Sabotaging Your Success”


📢 Daniel Mangena is a successful entrepreneur, best-selling author, podcast host of Do it with Dan and Beyond Success, a life & business transformation coach, and an international public speaker who is known for programs and content that take clients and students to next level living.

He has helped thousands of people across the globe achieve wealth mastery and truly abundant lives.

He has been Featured on CNN, CBS, FOX, the Jack Canfield show, and in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines!

Daniel’s mission is to spread his teachings worldwide with the intention to awaken people to the importance of their unique role and enable them to manifest their dream life.


0:02 Meditation and Success with a Top Coach

  • A story of achieving wealth and abundance.
  • Why mindfulness can hold back success.

2:45 How Meditation Impacts Success

  • A life trilogy: success, loss, and comeback.
  • How a false sense of abundance can sabotage success.

6:34 Aligning Mindset and Meditation for Success

  • The power of addressing unconscious habits for success.
  • Why mindset matters more than just meditation.
  • How to set intentional goals in meditation.
  • The pitfalls of meditating without changing old patterns.

11:37 Overcoming Beliefs That Hold You Back

  • Changing emotional states to shift limiting beliefs.
  • Applying these ideas to real goals.
  • Selling goals, like software, for freedom.
  • The unexpected rewards of pursuing big goals.

16:42 Manifesting Success by Releasing Limiting Beliefs

  • Actions to bring more freedom into life.
  • Forgiveness work to move forward in business.
  • Shifting mindset leads to big financial opportunities.

20:46 Clearing Energy Blocks for Abundance

  • Using past work to serve others with ease.
  • Struggles with letting go of emotional attachments.
  • Personalizing energy-clearing techniques.

25:07 Quick Hacks for Breaking Limiting Beliefs

  • Rewriting memories for different outcomes.
  • Timeline therapy to release emotional blocks.
  • Questioning beliefs for truth.
  • Challenging the belief of “hard work equals success.”
  • Honoring personal rhythm over society’s pace.

30:51 Business Strategies to Shift Mindsets

  • How beliefs around hard work affect goals.
  • Breaking down beliefs to avoid burnout.
  • Keeping focus after customer onboarding.
  • Hiring support for more creative energy.

35:43 Personal Growth Through Meditation

  • Using meditation for anxiety relief.
  • Finding what works best individually.
  • Breaking through feelings of being stuck.
  • Steps to achieve growth and fulfillment.

40:57 How Beliefs Drive Our Behavior

  • The power of the unconscious mind.
  • Managing emotions to create success.
  • Realizing and correcting limiting beliefs.
  • Accountability with friends for growth.

45:42 Combining Meditation with Action for Growth

  • Having supportive friends to challenge beliefs.
  • Why taking action is key, beyond meditation.
  • Finding balance between effort and surrender.

50:14 Manifesting Abundance and Letting Go of Fear

  • Success requires more than hard work.
  • Free masterclass on manifestation and money.
  • Letting go of others’ opinions to thrive.
  • Abundance is natural and available to all.
  • Embracing the journey with gratitude and joy.


We are pleased to provide these show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who prefer to read.

Please note that this is an automated transcription and may contain errors.


Mostafa Hosseini  00:02

Welcome today to confidence for entrepreneurs. In this episode, we will you will discover what role meditation and spiritual practice actually having success, how to bypass limiting beliefs, how to balance inspired action and surrender to unlimited success. And you will get to watch yourself, you’re surely you get exposed and coached by Daniel in Ghana.


Today I have an amazing guest. Daniel is an amazing friend, this guy is the real deal. And we are talking about why you shouldn’t stop meditating, and how meditation is actually taking you off track the way you’re doing it. So welcome, Daniel. Good to see you, my friend. Hello,


Dan Mangena  00:48

hello, hello, hello. Happy to be here. And sorry for being a couple of minutes late. I was wiggling around trying to find the stream yard link. It wasn’t where it normally it wasn’t where it normally is. But we’ve got there in the good. Oh, good to give you a couple of minutes late.


Mostafa Hosseini  01:01

So today we’re talking about why mindfulness is sabotaging your success, which is an amazing topic. This is a little contrary to the popular belief that you should be, you know, meditating all day long. And you know, rest of it. So if you think that’s interesting, you know, stick around to set aside all the distractions, all the phones, apps and rest of it.


And stay tuned for a very interesting conversation. And as usual, please make sure you like and subscribe to the channel that supporting us by spreading message and you know, getting the word out there and if you know, a friend that could benefit from this conversation, please tag them and or send them the link.


Let me do it a proper introduction to my friend Daniel and we’re going to dive into a very interesting conversation. Daniel Magana is a successful entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, podcast host of do it with Dan and beyond success, a life and business transformation coach and an international public speaker who is known for programs and content that take clients and students to the next level of living. He has helped 1000s of people across the globe achieve Wealth Mastery and truly abundant lives.


He has been featured on CNN, CBS, FOX, the Jack Canfield show, and in Forbes and entrepreneur magazines. Daniel’s mission is to spread his take his teachings with the intention to awaken people to the importance of their unique role and enable them to manifest their dream life. Welcome, Daniel.


Dan Mangena  02:32

Hey, thank you for having me. It’s always really awkward is really, really awkward to hear the list of the things. But we digress.


Mostafa Hosseini  02:41

All right, good. We’re about are you?


Dan Mangena  02:44

I mean, Cabo in Mexico. I’m from East London. That’s where the accents from. But I live in Cabo down in Mexico.


Mostafa Hosseini  02:50

Amazing. What’s the weather like so far?


Dan Mangena  02:54

It rains here about 12 days a year, so it’s sunny the rest of the year. Wow,


Mostafa Hosseini  02:58

you guys have like a shortage of water.


Dan Mangena  03:01

We’re right by the sea. So no.


Mostafa Hosseini  03:05

Yeah. Cool. All right. So Daniel, what is your story?


Dan Mangena  03:11

My story is broken into a trilogy, I like to describe it. The first one was, I was an early start entrepreneur, reading books like thinking grow rich and 16, or 17, taught myself to make computers when I was 13. Made my first million I was 19 lost it by the time I was 20, made it again lost it by 23. That takes us into Book Two, Book Two was that after that second loss, I got taken out for the count the first time I lost everything, I dusted off my shoulders.


So that’s right, we’re gonna go and do it again. And I did. When I lost everything. The second time, I was really taken out and actually went into a really deep, dark place. And the next chapter, or the next book in the trilogy was me moving out of that dark place. And then coming to this third chapter, where he’s sharing all of that journey with people through the podcast making meeting and sharing with your beautiful audience and audience is like it my books and so on and so forth. And now I get to do that every day.


Mostafa Hosseini  04:05

Love it. What was the second? Was there a second book that that?


Dan Mangena  04:09

Yeah, the second book was from losing everything the second time to rebuilding up building up myself from scratch.


Mostafa Hosseini  04:16

Is that the title of the book?


Dan Mangena  04:18

Oh, no, no, no. Literally, my life. I described my life as a trilogy. Opportunity. But my book stepping beyond intention is basically everything up until like this last chapter. So the experience is what I use to get out of that dark place, how it serves me today and how it serves others.


Mostafa Hosseini  04:40

Fair enough. So you know, I thought I thought there was the first book was thinking grow rich and second book.


Dan Mangena  04:49

I was reading books like thinking Grow Rich when I was a teenager. And that’s what actually supported me in creating the early success, which didn’t stay and when it was moved on to the second chapter of my life.


Mostafa Hosseini  04:59

Fair enough, fair enough. So what do you do these days? And who do you serve?


Dan Mangena  05:04

Really, we serve entrepreneurially minded people, because not everybody’s an entrepreneur. Some of the people that work with us are in a career, they’ve got a side hustle, or they’re an investor, but they’re entrepreneurially minded. So they’re interested in creating value in doing something business ask, but not necessarily a business owner.


But what we support them primarily doing is just coming to a place of awesome abundance. And for me, abundance is all my needs being met with overflow that allows me to give to others, whether that’s my time, my energy, my resources. And that’s not just about money, either. Because if people have got a lot of money that aren’t abundant, because they’re in fear, they’re relaxed, they’re in scarcity.



They’ve got crap connections, they’re not feeling great within themselves, their body, their health, in a mess. So people tend to come to us from one that’s one side, either they’ve got all the other stuff abundantly, and they want the money. Well, they’ve got the money, and they need the other stuff abundantly. And we bring them to the place where they can have all of it using less time, less energy, and having more fun.


Mostafa Hosseini  05:58

Got it? All right. So let’s dive to the topic, which is I think it’s very important topic. I’ve never heard of it before. And I’m really looking forward to your explanation on why should we stop meditating, and how is it sabotaging our success?


Dan Mangena  06:13

So first things first, for the people that already got the pitchforks and the gallows ready for me. In order for something to stop, it has to have been in motion. So notice, I didn’t say don’t meditate, I said, stop. So you have to be in the motion of meditating allow that to come to a natural end. So you can take care of everything else, because I use this as an example.


 If you this morning was tougher, prayed meditated. Did you gratitude you yoga chanted or whatever, for a successful day in your business, visualized it. And then spent the rest of the day sitting on your sofa, eating french fries, and watching trashy TV? What’s the what’s the statistical likelihood that that thing that you prayed for in the morning is going to show up for


Mostafa Hosseini  07:03

you? Not very much.


Dan Mangena  07:07

And yet, this is exactly what people do over the grand scheme of their life, right? They want a healthy relationship, they want more money, they want more fulfillment, they want to find their purpose. So it’s been three hours that morning and deep spiritual practice from 6am till 9am. But then the rest of the day not taken care of any of the things that need to be in place for that outcome to happen. Because here’s the thing, everything that shows up in our life is a result of actions, choices, behaviors, and environment, everything. Absolutely everything.


As much as 97% of those unconscious actions are happening because of our unconscious thoughts. So if I haven’t done anything to address my unconscious thoughts, my unconscious habits are still going to be the same. I can pray as much as I want, I can meditate as much as I want. I could do as many iOS ceremonies, I could spend as much time in the jungle, as much time with with healers and holy people. If I haven’t done anything about my unconscious thoughts, they will continue to play out exactly the same outcomes for me in my life, because I have the same habits, behaviors, and the environment.


And so when someone just meditates or just do mindfulness, or just do spiritual practice, but don’t care if the mindset and don’t address ensuring that the environment, their habits and behavior support the new outcome, the likelihood of it coming is really no, I’m not saying it won’t. But if it was going to work, it would have worked by now. I’ve seen people doing this kind of stuff for 1020 3150 years, she was hanging out with Ram Dass and doing LSD with him in the 70s. And still was being challenged. Now, why was she being challenged? Because he hadn’t taken care of the other things also.


Mostafa Hosseini  08:41

Hmm. So you talk about meditating, and like his mindset as a two separate things? Yes. Can you expand on that, please? Now,


Dan Mangena  08:53

meditation has the capacity to have an impact on your mindset. One of my teachers, Dr. Joe Dispenza, did the science on this, when we meditate, we can rewire our brain. But get this. If my meditation is being done from a place of disempowerment of blame of guilt of shame, if the thing I’m meditating or praying for isn’t even aligned with what I really desire, or I don’t have a clear vision, then I’m still meditating into a brick wall, I’m meant to, it’s like running towards a treadmill.


So even if you have a successful crossover of your meditation or your practice into your mindset, if the the earlier piece of the clear vision goal or intention, or the end goal, or the NPS of the actions and behaviors don’t change, you’re still not going to get the result.


None of these things work in isolation, they might pair up a little bit. They may create a little party with two or three, but unless the entire spectrum is addressed, and all connected to something that you really want, even if you do get the thing, you’re not going to be happy, you’re not going to be fulfilled. You’re going to be able to 100%


Mostafa Hosseini  10:00

So how do we how do we know if we are meditating with the right mindset in the right place, and it’s not like a disempowered, negative place or like disjointed with, like the goal and the purpose that we’re chasing. So


Dan Mangena  10:16

for me, it’s just bringing in a level of intentionality at every step. So really clear, this is the goal, I have my life, we do something with our clients called the ideal life blueprint. So we take them through the ideal life blueprint. And then against the ideal life blueprint, we know what our spiritual practice is building to support, what we’re building a foundation for, because it is important is it does serve an important foundation, because our emotional state, our energy field, that has to be aligned, so we have to do these things.


But the game doesn’t end there. And that’s where people get stuck, there’s been, I’ve cleared another energy block, I’m going to the jungle, I’m moving to Bali, or wherever they’re going these days. But then you’re not doing your mindset, you’re not addressing, you’re addressing your limiting beliefs, you’re not addressing the habitual thought patterns that you have of unworthiness of you’re not ready of all of these stories.


And so guess what, the practice ends up hitting a brick wall, or even if it does come in, at some point, it will just revert back, because you can’t meditate all day, you’re still gonna have to go out into the world, you’re still going to get met with douchey people, you’re still gonna get met with challenges, you’re still going to get met with an environment that’s going to trigger the old thoughts. So even if you do a two, three hour, super meditation in the morning, you go out into the world, you have the triggers, and a mindset that hasn’t been changed the belief systems that haven’t been addressed, you’re going to revert back to the old habits and behavior until you get back to the meditation in the morning.


Mostafa Hosseini  11:37

100%. So seems like we need to overcome and address the limiting beliefs first, before we start meditating, or am I on the wrong track here?


Dan Mangena  11:53

Here’s the thing. I don’t believe in cookie cutter approaches, I think we’ve all got our own journey. And for some people, addressing the limiting beliefs first might be what to do. Okay, and this is why it’s important to have some kind of personalized experience, at some level, you can get some groundwork done. But once you get to a certain place, you will need that, whether it’s that you develop the skill within yourself to personalize and tailor something to that you read on in a book or listen to a podcast or proceed on YouTube or wherever or whether you get someone to guide you, there has to be some tailoring some personal, some customization.


Because for the most part, scientifically speaking, the limiting beliefs are going to be limited to your emotional state. So if you haven’t adjusted the emotional state, you’re going to struggle to change the limiting beliefs because the emotional state is not going to support it. So the way that we do it top down is we look at the way that this works. So we’ve all heard of mind over matter. The mental realm has a direct impact on the physical. But even the law recognizes the idea of crimes of passion, that the emotional state can impact the ability to think. But where do those emotions come from, they come from the environment.


So I would say get clear on what you want. And then have an environment that supports you having that emotional identity, because that will support you in having a lot less work to do changing those limiting beliefs.


And when you do change those limiting beliefs, they’ll be met by an emotional state that supports the new belief, rather than an emotional state, which is hardwired to the old beliefs


Mostafa Hosseini  13:33

that bring this like, How can I apply this to myself?


Dan Mangena  13:36

Give me a situation.


Mostafa Hosseini  13:41

I’m trying to think of a situation. Can you help me even


Dan Mangena  13:45

a general one, let’s say give me a goal of something that you worked on in the past or you’ve been working on for a while.


Mostafa Hosseini  13:53

The goal in the past


Dan Mangena  13:57

or even one of your clients, one of the clients that you’re working with something that they’re working on


Mostafa Hosseini  14:01

a goal, let’s say a goal. Oh, I’ve got a lot of goals. Let me just


Mostafa Hosseini  14:13

wow, one goal would be to, to sell a software that I have for half a million dollars. Okay, and it hasn’t happened yet. Okay.


Dan Mangena  14:22

So first and foremost, why do you want to sell it for half million dollars? Why do you want to sell it? What do you want half million dollars for? Or is it the sale? What is it that you really want?


Mostafa Hosseini  14:31

I’ve worked on it since 2014. And I’m moving in a different direction. And I basically want to cash out and move on in the direction that I want to move on.


Dan Mangena  14:44

So what you really want is freedom. Sure. So you don’t want to sell the software you want freedom. And you’ve you’ve linked you’ve connected selling the software with the with the outcome that you actually want. Does that sound about right?


Mostafa Hosseini  15:01

Have I connected selling you with the outcome? Remember,


Dan Mangena  15:04

most of this is most of this is happening at the unconscious level, you’re not sitting there saying, oh, okay, I’m just gonna connect the dots all suddenly, oh, that’s freedom and selling the software at the unconscious level. Based on your response, it appears that there may be this connection that’s been made if I really want freedom, oh, if I sell this, then I’m gonna have freedom. Does that sound about right? Yeah. Okay, cool.


So what we’re going to focus on not is not selling the software, what we’re going to focus on is freedom, which we already know, we hold a connection to, in our mind with setting the software. Because this is one of the crazy things about what I’ve seen over the last 2022 years and the way that the world universe works. When we focus on the outcome, some intelligence, whether you want to call it the universe, you want to call it spirit, you want to call it God, whatever you want to say that intelligence organizes things in a way that goes beyond how we could even calculate it, we always get the perfect expression of our goal or intention.


Even if our goal or intention is unconsciously, something negative, we’re always going to get the perfect variation of it the most perfect variation. So if freedom is what you want, it could be that you get even more resources from somewhere else. It could be that you sell it for more than half a million. It could be that another one of your businesses, sales for even more, or something we don’t know. So why is this rather than limiting ourselves to this is the outcome that I want?


 What is it that I want it for? And by releasing the way that it has to happen? I actually open up to receive that experience. Does that make sense?


Mostafa Hosseini  16:46

Okay, so what do I have to release? To? I guess that would be the next question, right?


Dan Mangena  16:54

Maybe what do I what what I would say is not what, rather than focus on the reason, what am I moving towards? If I’m moving towards freedom, the next thing that I would do is I’d say, okay, when you think of freedom, when are some times in your life that you’ve been free? Or felt free? Can you think of any


Mostafa Hosseini  17:11

last time that I felt free? Not


Dan Mangena  17:12

the last time there’s a time in the past that you felt? I feel really free right now?


Mostafa Hosseini  17:17

It was a Saturday, actually. Okay,


Dan Mangena  17:20

so I want you to, in your mind’s eye, go back to the experience of Saturday, because that was the feeling that you want on a regular basis. Okay, so now, the fact that you’ve had it before means that you’re not you haven’t got a limiting belief about freedom, you may have a limiting belief about selling a company because you’ve not done this particular company before. But your mind doesn’t have a barrier to Mustafa feeling free, because my stuff has felt free before.


Yep. So limiting beliefs that may have been stopping you getting to the physical goal that you identified before, no longer exists, because it’s something you’ve experienced in the past. Okay. Does that make sense? Yep. So then the question becomes, what are some things that you can do today, to bring more freedom into your experience?


Mostafa Hosseini  18:08

So here’s the respondent is coming up, I am worried about the software, because it’s something that I don’t want to deal with. I want to get rid of it. And so that’s what’s coming up.


Dan Mangena  18:23

But here’s the crazy thing, the more that we push something away and resist it, and that we don’t want it, the deeper connection that we create with it. So that actual repulsive I want rid of this software is probably why it hasn’t sold yet, because you’ve got an energetic bond to it that’s being cemented every time you have that resistant energy, I do


Mostafa Hosseini  18:41

have to volunteer because we spent a lot of time and money money on it. And it hasn’t had the returns that I was expecting. So I’m like, I’m just gonna move in a different direction. And it just it didn’t work. The way I thought it were, I would say


Dan Mangena  18:54

I would say you will be served by doing some forgiveness work around that doing some work around resentment, because that energy is holding you connected to the energy of that business. We had this I just did a live event just this past weekend here in Mexico here in Cabo. And it’s always funny to watch because in the days after people, we start getting these miraculous things.


So one woman she manifested 50,000 This morning, another woman, Aaron, she’s like I want a book deal. She came back and found she had a book deal, waiting for her when she got back. And that’s because when you release something that you want, allows it to come to you is really weird the way that this works. When you want something, you have to let it go.


Mostafa Hosseini  19:40

I actually this morning to be so you see what I’m talking about. So I actually woke up this morning. I had a lot of things to do. But my inner my my inner talk is like we’re not working. So I actually sat around and I read my book, did a squat until Loving I am. And then, and then started working. And it felt really good.


Although the sound of the back of my worst head was like, Oh, we got shit to do. And I’m like, right. Here’s the deal. I got an email like two hours ago from a customer prospect saying we were ready to move forward. Yeah. Oh, that’s Oh, that’s that’s like that’s like potentially at 50 to $200,000. Deal. I mean, I feel like if. So that’s what happened today. Basically


Dan Mangena  20:36

what it is. And here’s the crazy thing about this, right. And I say this to my guys all the time. And it takes a while for it to click in, but when it clicks in, it clicks in. Yep. Action isn’t the thing that creates the result. Action is the thing that allows you to receive the result. Okay? Right. Because the wheels have already, when you look at literally from a scientific perspective, what has to happen for something to move from being a thought or an idea into being part of your physical reality, the transition into physical reality is the final piece. It’s the final piece.


So it’s, I like to call action, the least important but yet the most important thing at the same time, because if I don’t take the action, I can’t receive the thing. But it’s not the action that makes the thing the action allows me to receive the thing you being. Now remember, I want everyone watching this to remember, Mustafa wasn’t sitting around for his entire life, he’d already planted the seeds, he’d already put his work out there, he’d already built relationships, he’s awesome at connecting with people and serving and creating a great, great value in the world, creating great reputation.


So even if he didn’t pull that prospect in himself, he’s created an ecosystem where people, if anybody ever needed anything, even similar to what Mustafa offers, He’s the first person that comes to mind and I’d send them to him. Right. But today, he was able to see that those seeds that had been planted before came up. And it wasn’t anything that was on his to do list for the day that made it happen. It was happening anyway.


And when the time came, he could follow up with the prospect, he can get the contract out, send them the bill, and then serve them at the highest level. There’s the action. But everything had already been put in motion before.


Mostafa Hosseini  22:19

Got it. So I love that example. And what you’re going, what you’re chairing, I’m still trying to figure out what do I need to forgive and release about my software? To the


Dan Mangena  22:32

cost? You said? Remy said, I’ve spent a lot of time on it. It hasn’t done what I expected it to do. I spent a lot of money on it. That energy is keeping you locked, stepped with it.


Mostafa Hosseini  22:42

Okay, so how do I how do I release or forgive that. And


Dan Mangena  22:47

this is, again, this is where we, we the cookie cutter approach doesn’t work. And some people they see the latest thing on YouTube, oh, my God, this is the latest thing I’m going to clear with that. We actually did a summit. I want to say last month called the clearing blocks to abundance Summit, where we had like 30 people that offer different ways of clearing energy, come and present different options. So what would actually happen is, you would see which of those works for you.


So for example, tapping I find EFT tapping really powerful for me to cut my emotional relationship to something doesn’t work for everybody. breath work I can do to some extent, but I know friends that do really deep breath work, and I’m I’m against it, I can’t really do it. All right. Meditation is really good for me. Some people that don’t need to meditate, they can go and walk in the jungle and feel amazing and feel really good and have a healing experience.


Not really my thing we actually produce, we’ve actually got a resource called a clearing encyclopedia, that’s got about 40 different modalities that you can play with and explore for you to build more stuff as personalized kit. And the thing is, is that some things will work for you some things work in different situations. So you can maybe look at journaling about it, you can look at tapping through, you can look at deeper energy work, you could look at some therapy, everyone’s gonna have different things that can do at different times. But it’s about finding what works for you as an individual.


Again, this is a big challenge that people have, trying to do what other people have said that they should do try and follow other people’s path, when actually it’s your own path that really matters.


Mostafa Hosseini  24:28

So I do spend time in nature. I like I’ve tried tapping before, didn’t pan with me going no, like I’ve tried i i do journaling, like a few times a week. Like I just opened my phone and I do the voice to text and I just do a brain dump. And it works for me.


Dan Mangena  24:55

Hand to paper. Actually there’s something scientific about the hands of paper and pencil Hmm,


Mostafa Hosseini  25:01

I’m a little lazy with that. So I just I just talked my brain out.


Dan Mangena  25:07

Yeah, it’s all good. It’s all energy moving. So it’s all it’s awesome. You’re


Mostafa Hosseini  25:11

absolutely right. When I write it down, it’s more powerful, for sure. You’re saying it’s a matter of testing different methodologies,


Dan Mangena  25:19

and seeing and literally seeing how you feel? How do you feel is there still an emotional charge around it. So if you can tap and it doesn’t shift the emotional charge, drop it, if you tap and you find the emotional charge shifts, do more of it. If brain dumping leaves you feeling lighter, then do more of that brain dump on all your stuff you’re resentful for.


Another great super hack is timeline therapy. I did some timeline therapy with the one of the ladies that does it for our clients. I did some stuff with her a couple of years ago. And it was wild because I did the therapy. And afterwards he’s like, so tell me how it feels to be anxious. I literally couldn’t find the emotion within me. It was gone. It’s like deleted. It’s insane.


How it feels like it literally gets deleted from your brain. So you can try timeline therapy, and I’ve got some people I can suggest who are reasonably priced and really competent at delivering, we use them. Yeah, it’s like you go in and delete the memory that creates the emotional charge, and that you don’t have to charge anymore. It’s wild.


Mostafa Hosseini  26:25

Delete the memory memory that created the church. Yeah. Wow, I think I’ve got some of that. Actually, I haven’t called it timeline therapy. But that is, so I’ve done the process of going through a an event and visualizing a different action and different outcome. And it did actually work. Similar type of Yeah.


Dan Mangena  26:51

I mean, that’s visualization, you can rewrite the memory with through visualization. But timeline therapy is a specific trademark process that they take you through, which is really, really powerful. Very


Mostafa Hosseini  27:00

interesting. So while we’re at it, what’s the best way to bypass a limiting belief?


Dan Mangena  27:08

I have a hack that I’m going to share with you. All right. So a lot of people go into where did the limiting belief come from? What lifetime, which experience is given it and all other things? And I’m like, but my thing is, if I’m spending all of that time connecting to the memory, I’m actually just creating a deeper relationship to it. If I’m digging around in the weeds, like, where did it come from? What caused it, this and that, blah, blah, blah, I’m actually creating a deeper relationship with it.


And at the end of the day, a limiting belief exists because I hold a story that something’s not possible. I’m so certain that something’s not possible that my brain is not going to move forward with it. So what if you were simply open to the idea that it’s not true? And the way that I invite people to do it is to ask a question, give me a limiting belief that you have, let me believe that you’ve got


Mostafa Hosseini  28:04

what is the limiting belief? Can you give me some examples I can make come up limit.


Dan Mangena  28:14

Anything around time, like you have to work hard to make money.


Mostafa Hosseini  28:18

Or here’s one maybe this morning, and my belief is that I should wake start working at 567 am my inner self. We’re not starting at 5am. And I’ve been struggling with this for actually quite a few years.


Dan Mangena  28:34

He’s hoping that one, I’ll carry on sorry, I caught you.


Mostafa Hosseini  28:38

My inner self goes, we’re gonna start work around nine or 10am. And don’t mess with me. It’s not going to happen. Don’t bother me.


Dan Mangena  28:45

Well, maybe that’s the best time for you to work.


Mostafa Hosseini  28:49

Yeah, I stopped fighting it. Yeah.


Dan Mangena  28:52

Again, you know, the sexiness of the 5am Club and this and that, blah, blah, blah. I can’t remember the name of the guy heard this guy, the Tony Robbins podcast. And he’s like, That’s rubbish. Because different people have different circadian rhythms, different bio rhythms that mean that they operate option optimally at different times. And actually trying to force yourself to play at a time when you’re not optimally set up is going to reduce your productivity. It’s actually better to build your life around your rhythm.


So I fleet sometimes, I’m early, and sometimes I want to work late at night. And so I really built my life around, not having meat and start until a certain time. So I’ve got the flexibility. So I don’t normally have meetings that start before about 930 10 apart from ones that I can move if I need to, like team members, like one of my guys is in India, Sanjay. So if I’m if it’s late, and I’m working late, it’s going to be his morning because he speaks to me.


He’s nighttime. I can say to him, hey, Sanjay, are you available now? Or Sanjay? Can we make like the next day or whatever? So I’ve got the freedom to just honor the fact that I want to work late that day. Or if I go to bed early, I wake up early, I’ve got all of that free space that I can use to work instead. So I get give myself that freedom. A lot of people are stuck. I don’t know, this is digressing away from the actual question.


 But I did want to put this out there, a lot of people are stuck trying to do something because everyone says they should do it. That’s not even good for them. Yeah. Yeah. You know,


Mostafa Hosseini  30:12

was that a limiting belief? Or were you looking for something different? Yeah,


Dan Mangena  30:17

I mean, let’s just, let’s just, let’s do I have to work hard to make money. I’m sure that’s one. Most of the people watching and listening, they’re gonna have at some time, that you have to work really hard to make money, however. So this is the thing I would this is the way that you do what you do. You ask yourself a really simple question. You don’t resist a limiting belief, as I teach it, because resisting it gives it more power.


You simply ask, can I be certain that this belief is true? Literally ask yourself this, can I be certain that this belief is true? And see how you feel? Now, sometimes your mind might say, Yes, I can be certain. And then didn’t you? Do? You ask How? How could I be certain. And listen to what the narrative is, and we don’t resist any of it, we just listen. And in the listening, you’re going to get some clues about where the limiting belief is coming from.


And then all you need to do now that you’ve had that dialogue, is go and look for some evidence. Find someone that doesn’t work hard. Richard Branson, I could mention him because we’ve spoken about the fact that I was on his island the other day, he’s got a rule, you have to work half the day, only the rest of day must be spent having fun. And he’s got 400 companies started seven or $8 billion businesses.


 Doesn’t have to work again, just creates value for fun. Now, all right, is is he an exception to the rule? Maybe, but because he exists, I can’t hold with certainty, the belief that I have to work hard to make money. Does that make sense?


Mostafa Hosseini  31:50

All right, here’s a belief. Yeah, I’m thinking for the next three to four years to work. So So correct me if I’m wrong, here’s what I have, in my mind, tell me if it’s a limiting belief, that initial stages of a business, you’re going to have to work harder to build and build up to a stage where you can take half the day off.


Right, maybe, you know, in initial stages where I don’t have a large team, I don’t have all the money and resources, I’ll work harder to build up to the stage where I’ll take six months off, nevermind half a day. Is that limiting belief? Or what do you think of that?


Dan Mangena  32:31

So here’s the thing for me, a belief is only limiting if it limits your experience. Okay. So if it’s not limiting your experience, then there’s nothing wrong with saying, Hey, I’m gonna work hard for the next three or four years with a plan to then be able to take six months off. But if you don’t want to work hard for the next three or four years, and with resentment, and with negative energy, you’re saying I’m going to work on three or four years, but screw it, I don’t really want to, but I’m going to do it.


Because that’s the only way for me to get the freedom. Now, it’s a limiting belief because it’s stopping you living life on your own terms today.


Mostafa Hosseini  33:08

Does that make sense? For how to identify negative resentment? Do I just feel it the emotion you have? Yeah.


Dan Mangena  33:16

I mean, sometimes we overcomplicated. Oh, how do I just How do you feel about it? Do you feel good at the idea of waiting for the next three or four years? Some people love working hard. And the idea of working hard for three or four years excites them. I’m really excited about it. That is not a limiting belief. It’s just what you’re going to do for the next three or four years.


Mostafa Hosseini  33:34

And here’s another thing I’ve had and it’s coming up and I’d be wanting to work on. When I get a new customer, sometimes I get lazy. And then and I’m trying to figure out, I need to deliver on this, how do I get lazy?


And then I have to like work on myself to get up and do stuff that I’ve you know, I’ve been trying to figure out that the underlying emotion thought event, or and I’m putting my mind in my mind, I’m going How the hell am I getting lazy like this is time to work.


Dan Mangena  34:12

It could be that you’re maybe not even necessarily lazy, but your excitement because I know how excited you get about onboarding someone and getting ready to serve them. I know, look, look, your eyes are like that right now thinking about it. It could be that because that’s such an elevated state. Once you’ve had the payoff.


It’s almost like a come down as the come down feels like they’re being lazy, but actually it’s just a come down from the excitement. And it’s not as exhilarating for you. Does that make sense? So maybe you’re like okay, I want the next rush of bringing someone in showing them what’s possible, you know, showing them how they’re going to change their life. It could just be that your energy isn’t a completing energy. It’s a starter energy.


And so for someone like you I would say all it will be is have like a COO or have a VA or some on who’s going to manage then that delivery, so that your drop in energy doesn’t become a limiting factor in your business. I guess I was mapping your money DNA, I would probably say that your role doesn’t include that operator. So I would say that you’re probably maybe a manifesting generator, who’s a blaze or a dynamo style that has an obliger tendency, something like that, that probably was going to be on your map based on what you’ve said, which would mean that getting things started getting things going, you’re in your yummy place. But then the completion isn’t your role.


 You need someone that’s going to steady the ship and hold the ship going. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just about setting yourself up to be supported to operate that way.


Mostafa Hosseini  35:43

Yeah. Like, this is what I’m good at. I’m gonna hire and find a partner or someone that could do what I’m not doing.


Dan Mangena  35:49

And that’s fair


Mostafa Hosseini  35:50

enough. And I thought, I think already got that as well. Good. Actually, I think I hired someone today that I’m pretty excited about. I kid you not lazy, like, excited about manifesting this person into my life. I think she’s got the right energy and the rest of it and writer experience. So I’m very happy with it interesting.


Something. Sometimes we think that things are not exactly the way they should be. But when we talk about it’s like, it’s actually not that bad.


Dan Mangena  36:24

You actually pretty good shape.


Mostafa Hosseini  36:27

Absolutely. Mm hmm. How can going back to the meditation piece, because there’s a lot of hype around meditation. And like said, his big problem is people meditate and meditate and they do nothing,


Dan Mangena  36:45

they do nothing else. Nothing. Meditation, just has a row, it just has a row, it just has a role to play. I’ve


Mostafa Hosseini  36:51

meditated. So here’s what my experience meditation, meditation works for me best, when I’m height of anxiety, way too much going on. And I sit down for 10 minutes, half an hour, and I calm down, then I can feel the results. emotion of calming down. But if I do it every single day, I personally I don’t get much out of it.


And this is like, like you said, this is probably not an everyday practice for me. Going back to realizing what works for you, and what doesn’t work for you, for me, being good natured going for a drive in the morning in the countryside, calling my people. That’s what works for me. And


Dan Mangena  37:38

this is the thing was tough. So many people are trying to do what everybody says to do. Hmm. And as a result, they’re actually disconnected from the thing that works for them. Because meditation as traditionally, which will admit that like, oh, maybe it’s not for everybody. But guess what, it’s a tool that we can use to get to the thing that is for everyone, which is the meditative state on the other side.



Some people get there with music, some people get there with dancing. Some people get there in nature, some people get it. There’s a range of different ways that you can get there. Find your way, but keep it in its place, which is part of a holistic movement forward to holistic personal development, a holistic series of practices that move you towards your goal.


Mostafa Hosseini  38:28

What do we have to say to people? We hear, we hear this a lot that we’re people I’ve heard, say, be yourself, be yourself, be yourself. And sometimes my inner self is going right now my self is not that great, and I’m not getting what I want. And you know what? It’s like, my ship itself is just not good enough right now. How do we how do I, what’s, what’s your response to that?


It’s like, right now I’m being myself, and I’m not getting what I want. I’m not happy with myself. And I’m not getting a good response from my results. And from people on rest of it. I don’t you know, I mean, that Be yourself. In this no man’s land where I’m trying to figure out who I need to be and how do I change that?


Dan Mangena  39:16

So I think you’ve kind of answered it there, who do I need to be? Because it’s still me being the person. I’m not trying to be someone else. I’m trying to be the version of me that’s best suited to elicit the outcome that I want. If I’m just going to be myself, there’s no growth there. I’m going to be the same person, it’s this stagnation, that you’re gonna go stale.


So we have to keep growing. Growth is a key aspect to nature. When something stops growing, that’s when it dies. If we want to stay alive and be alive enough to enjoy our outcome, then we kind of gonna need to, okay, we’re going to change to keep it moving. So yeah, that’s what I would say. Perfect. So


Mostafa Hosseini  39:57

what’s the best way to start changing becoming someone that I think I’m not right now? Well,


Dan Mangena  40:05

the best way to start changing I would say most certainly is to get clear on who on what I want number one. And then the version of me that is able to hold what I want that what beliefs do I need? What emotional state do I need? What habits and behaviors do I need?


So I need to be able to connect habits and behaviors, emotional states beliefs with the outcome, then I can start to develop the emotional state and make sure my environment supports it, then I can look at what are the what beliefs are stopping me get there, then I can change those, then what habits are stopping me get there? Then I can change? Clarity, and then we can make the right steps?


Mostafa Hosseini  40:47

We that’s great. And I think we already touched on it. What how do we identify the beliefs that are stopping me from getting there? Well,


Dan Mangena  40:56

look at the beliefs you’ve got. Well, first and foremost, I’ve got a Dan ism. Alright.


Mostafa Hosseini  41:00

Dan ism.


Dan Mangena  41:01

Yeah. Is that your that was my word. When I what I make up a phrase, my guys, they call them down isms. Right? All right, okay. The mind does not lose, and the environment does not lie. The mind does not lose. Okay, so the unconscious mind moves at 10,000 to 10 million times the speed of the conscious mind, you are not going to catch up with it. You’re not going to catch up, it’s too fast. That’s how powerful it is.


That’s how powerful it is. And it’s good because that means that when it’s working for us, it’s going to be churning out the results that we want at a pace that we can’t even keep up with. Hmm, but here’s the thing, here’s the hack, that churning out at 10,000 to 10 million times the speed of our conscious mind is limited to our current emotional state. So everything that’s churning out super fast is limited to my current emotional state in this moment. So if I’m


Mostafa Hosseini  41:55

managing my, sorry, tell me more. Yeah, what Yeah,


Dan Mangena  41:59

so if I’m managing my emotional state to support my goal, it doesn’t matter what’s being fired out, the only things that are going to make it through into my habits and behaviors are things that match my emotional state.


So what I can do is I can create an emotional state through my environment, that filters out what’s coming was firing off. And then I can consciously adjust my behavior, to curate it to the outcome that I want, which creates more outcomes, which feeds back and supports my, my belief system actually creating more of what I want, rather than than what I don’t want. So again, remember, the limiting belief is what beliefs do I have, that is stopping me doing what I want to do stopping me live the life that I want to live?


And you can address those quite simply by looking at your environment? what’s showing up in my environment that I don’t want. Okay, well, what belief system do I hold that naturally lends itself to the outcome? If someone stuck a particular income level? Okay, what what beliefs and stories do I have around income? And all you need to do is just pay attention to what your inner, your inner, your inner voice?


Your self talk is, those little things that you say? I remember when, back in 2018, I identified a really powerful limiting belief I had around relationship. And it wasn’t even I wasn’t in a meditation, I was drinking a glass of wine with my friend Alyssa. And I said one thing. I said, just as a throwaway comment, because you can’t have everything in relationship. throwaway comment, thankfully, I’ve corrected my environment so that the people in my world hold me accountable. They lift me up, and they want the best for me, she stopped me in my tracks. So let’s say that again. And when I said it, again, I realized what I’d said, and what it meant.


That was a limiting belief. I was saying that in relationship, I wasn’t able to enjoy all of the benefits of a completely holding healthy relationship. And that’s why I wasn’t having them up to that time because I was holding that belief. Does that make sense?


Mostafa Hosseini  43:52

Yeah, so it’s like paying attention to what you say what you do, and


Dan Mangena  43:56

having people around you that support the best version of you. My friends, my friends, don’t let me do negative self talk. They don’t let me talk negatively or down about myself. They encouraged me, they edify me. They lift me up. Who are you being coached by? What’s your community? Are you being coached? Do you have a supportive community? Do you have supportive friends? If not, that’s something you can start looking at today.


Mostafa Hosseini  44:21

To your comment, I think a supportive community is not necessarily giving you all you know, nice supportive stuff all the time. Sometimes they’re calling you out. Yeah, they’re like, What the hell did you just say, you know, yeah, they


Dan Mangena  44:36

called you out lifted you up to call you out? Yeah, tough love is part of it. Somebody who really loves you isn’t gonna let you be a crappy version of yourself. They’re gonna hold you to the highest standard.


Mostafa Hosseini  44:48

Absolutely. You know, I think I’ve been looking for that. Cuz I if you’re my friend, I will be call you out on stuff. Some people don’t like it. Some people don’t like it. And


Dan Mangena  45:04

you know what? I only call out people who I have an agreement that they want to be called out. I don’t call out people that hadn’t asked me to call them out. 100% All right. So let me when I’m on veterans, Gus, we call each other out all the time. Like, there was a time when I was meant to be doing more working out.


And he’s like, bro, I haven’t heard about you’re going to the gym. Like you don’t want to be, in fact, be do you go do it. And he was messaging me like, Hey, have you gone to the gym today? Because I gotta go do the thing. Right? He’s like, he’s holding me accountable. Yeah, piece of content. He’s like, bro, that you could have done better than that. Like, come on, like what’s going on? You know, 100%.


Mostafa Hosseini  45:41

And having someone like that is really crucial. Like a buddy of mine. We have a weekly meeting on Fridays, where we support each other. That’s funny, like, when was it a few weeks ago? He’s like, Mustapha, you’re constantly distracted as we’re talking. That’s really not. I’m like, Ah, you’re absolutely right. Since he called it out, it has like, minimized. And


Dan Mangena  46:06

the other thing as well is we have to be ready to receive that. We have to be comfortable with actually growing and not getting committed to being the same person. Otherwise, we’re not gonna receive anyway. Love


Mostafa Hosseini  46:19

  1. So a couple of things get gang, if you’re watching or listening. Couple of questions that may help with this as what beliefs do I have that is stopping me from getting what I want? What is showing up in my environment and in my life that I don’t want? What beliefs do I have around that thing? Where around you? Or a have a lack of it, or excessive it essential to self talk?


And, you know, what am I saying and having friends that are supportive? And you know, being okay with getting called out on? on things? Which may help me? Mm hmm. Anything else you want to add to that? No, I


Dan Mangena  47:01

think we’ve given them enough. I think just pick one. One of these things, guys pick one of those prompts. What would that prompt for a little bit for a week or two, see the result, get some results so that you can start to develop a positive belief system around it.


Mostafa Hosseini  47:13

Love it. So and now that we’re talking about meditation, give us give us your perspective on what would be the right way to meditate.


Dan Mangena  47:22

The right way to meditate is the one that actually gets you closer to your goal. You can have a meditation that makes you feel amazing, but it’s not moving you any closer to your goal or your intended outcome.


I feel so amazing. I feel good. But your life’s not working. So what’s going on? You only feel good when you’re in that meditation. So what’s going on with the rest of your, the rest of your life? What’s going on with the rest of it? So what is getting close to your goal is the same with it? What is the best action to take what action is getting you closer to your goal?


Mostafa Hosseini  47:54

Absolutely. So again, as you’re watching like this, that very question of this is not working what’s going on and to Dan’s earlier comment about actually writing things down. When you i, here’s my experience. Whenever I got asked that question from myself, and I sat somewhere quietly, things come up. Right, like what’s going on and some comes up, here’s what’s happening. And then I keep asking the question, right, what’s working? What is not working?


What’s going on? I come up with answers. And it’s been very powerful. Like, what I’m trying to say. And he’s, he’s, he’s sharing some real good stuff here. And things to take action on. Yeah, and how do we balance, action, surrender to unlimited success.


Dan Mangena  48:44

So, again, action is how we receive. It’s not the thing that does the work. And also, I think, oftentimes, we’re trying to take action to control and control everything, we don’t have the computing power or the ability to control everything. So there’s a certain amount of surrender to the results of our actions, the results of our new belief system, the results of our emotional state, letting that do its thing, and then stepping in and taking the action that’s available to us right now.


If there’s nothing that you can do here in this moment, to move you towards your goal at all. Then relax, enjoy your life. Go for a walk, what’s something silly, spend some time with your family, go work out do something that you can do. And then when it arises, there’s something for you to do take some action on it. And other than that, let things work out you’re not going to be able to control everything so stop wasting your energy burning out and driving yourself mad trying to


Mostafa Hosseini  49:43

guess I guess we get we become control freaks and and like tried to do so much to speed up the process. And so what advice do you have for identifying the right practices? Hmm. So to help us get better results in action, and you know, I’d like how do we balance out like, and you touched on it already making it more clear as to I’m working really hard. I want to, you know, get this done


Dan Mangena  50:15

hard. Well, if so, here’s here’s another dynamism, right? If it doesn’t work all the time, it’s not a rule. Like if something’s a rule or a law, it will work all the time. Okay? So, if hard work leads to results was a rule or law. Everybody who worked hard will get a result. But we all know someone who works hard and doesn’t get anywhere. So we can’t call it a rule or a law that if I work hard, I’m gonna get my one. So drop that illusion. Drop that story. Does that make sense? Yeah,


Mostafa Hosseini  50:47

yeah. Got it. Beautiful. Dan, can you please tell us about your gift and money manifestation masterclass.


Dan Mangena  50:59

So, um, you know, we spoken about these different aspects of ourselves, these different levels that we move through in order to to get to where we want to get to and what I do with this masterclass, which is over four sessions. This was a paid workshop that people paid money to go to, we actually sell it not like, some free download or whatever. It’s an actual, natural, natural thing that we’re gifting. Alright. We go through all right, let’s deal with the goals intentions dealing with this program has to do with the emotional state, let’s deal with the mindset.


Let’s deal with the actions that goes through each of those one session. It’s about 40 minutes per session or something like that. So do that. I suggest doing it over four weeks. Do one, apply it? Spend some time with it, see your results, get some evidence, come back and do the next one. But you definitely get something out of it. People really get miracles playing with this.


Mostafa Hosseini  51:49

So is this a two sort of people know what they’re getting? Is this something like a live master class, it’s


Dan Mangena  51:57

a recording, it’s a recording, recorded


Mostafa Hosseini  51:59

and you do it over a span of four weeks.


Dan Mangena  52:02

I say just take some time between each one. Don’t just sit and watch all four of them back to back. Watch one, give it some time to integrate and then come back ideally do it over a couple of weeks at least


Mostafa Hosseini  52:14

got it? So they do have access to it for a couple of weeks. It’s not like it


Dan Mangena  52:18

once in a lifetime access they’ve got it forever we’re not taking it back they’ve got it forever


Mostafa Hosseini  52:22

love it. So again, if you’re watching or listening to get access to Dan’s money master manifestation masterclass, go to dream with forward slash gift by den, all one word gift by debt dream with forward slash gift by Dan to get access to this and you have lifetime access to it. And so I appreciate that. That generous gift there, Dan. My pleasure.


That is amazing. So let me ask you a few personal questions if that’s okay with you. Sure. What’s a new thing you have tried recently? A


Dan Mangena  52:58

new thing that I’ve tried recently new thing that I’ve tried recently on tennis, tennis have started tennis.


Mostafa Hosseini  53:09

Amazing, amazing, amazing. Cool. What are your top two or three favorite books of all time?


Dan Mangena  53:19

I’ve actually got five that I live by and I review it regularly. So the top five right now are the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D wattles. Relating Revolution by Chris with a K Kelco que el que AR and his wife meno Kelkar. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. The surrender experiment by Michael singer. And the Way of the Superior Man by David data.


Mostafa Hosseini  53:41

Yes, Superior Man, amazing, amazing. Science get her I’ve read science to get rich. I don’t think I’ve read the rest of them. Amazing books. Love it. Love it. What’s one advice that made a massive impact on your life or on your business?


Dan Mangena  54:03

Don’t get so obsessed with what you think other people are thinking about you. They’re probably not thinking about you’re


Mostafa Hosseini  54:11

obsessed with what people say? Don’t get obsessed with what people think


Dan Mangena  54:15

of you what you think people think about you what you think. Tell me


Mostafa Hosseini  54:19

more about that. So


Dan Mangena  54:20

so often we’re making choices. Because we think, Oh, what are people going to think? Or I can’t do that? What will people think I’ve got to do that? Because people will think and they’re probably not even thinking about you. So you’re giving your power away to actually direct your choices for what is going to serve you because you’re thinking about someone who’s probably not thinking about you at all.


Mostafa Hosseini  54:41

But love it again, if you had a Google or a Facebook ad where everyone on the web around the world could see. What would your message be for the people of Earth?


Dan Mangena  54:54

The people of Earth. Abundance is not something that you have to hustle for. It’s something that’s yours Every day if you just step into it,


Mostafa Hosseini  55:03

try them one more time, please.


Dan Mangena  55:05

Abundance is not something that you have to hustle for. It’s something that’s available to you every day if you just step into it.


Mostafa Hosseini  55:11

Love it. Could you expand on that a little more? Yeah, so


Dan Mangena  55:15

my whole thing you know, abundance is natural when you look at nature. Abundance isn’t something that anything in nature hustles for anything innate to actually naturally abundant, all of its needs are naturally met, and it moves in an ecosystem that honors that.


The only time that that starts to break down as a story is when humans get involved, we have our ego, we have our stuff. But even in the face of humans getting involved, nature still returns to an equilibrium of abundance. We forgotten that. But it’s still available for us to remember and come back to love


Mostafa Hosseini  55:47

  1. Love it. Dan, Daniel, this has been an amazing conversation. I got so much out of it. Thank you for being open to play with me. Coach me and share your message with my audience. Is there anything that you’d like to add that we didn’t get the chance to talk about?


Dan Mangena  56:06

Just don’t take all this life stuff. So seriously, none of us are getting out of it alive.


Mostafa Hosseini  56:11

Love it. Love. Gang. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for tuning in. If you have any questions for me or Dan, put them in a comment on social media on whichever channel you’re watching. As usual, please make sure to like and subscribe to the channel. If you know someone that could benefit from this conversation.


And I think almost everyone around me could benefit from this conversation. That’s why I bring amazing people like Dan and share their expertise and and their, you know, knowledge with them. So yeah, that’s it for me this week. Thank you for joining me Have a great week. Much love and success to you and abundance to you and your family and everyone around you. And I’ll see you guys next week. Bye now. Bye

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What is meditation for success?

Meditation for success involves using mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, reduce stress, and overcome limiting beliefs, ultimately leading to personal and professional growth.

How can meditation help me overcome limiting beliefs?

Meditation helps increase self-awareness, allowing you to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that hinder your success.

What are the benefits of aligning mindset and meditation?

Aligning your mindset with meditation promotes clarity, intentionality, and resilience, leading to more effective decision-making and goal achievement.

Can meditation improve my emotional health?

Yes, regular meditation practice can help reduce anxiety and improve emotional regulation, which supports better overall mental health.

How do I start meditating for success?

Begin with simple mindfulness exercises, focus on your breath, and set clear intentions for what you want to achieve through meditation, gradually building your practice over time.